I don't like making resolutions...but what if I could live each day for 365 days by a word that inspired me...think its possible? Follow me and find out...I challenge you to try this and post and share your words of inspiration...365 days or not...smiles
Monday, March 31, 2014
The last day of the month is always catch-up day. I missed one day last month and posted twice on the last day. I missed one day this month...due to a headache and wouldn't you know...today another headache....hmmm. Today I was feeling something that is rare for me...STRESS. I was trying to work and there were way too many people trying to distract me with phone calls and messages and my laptop was making enough noise to compete with a Mack Truck. Now my headache is gone and I am STRESS free once again. I learned that I really needed to get the things I needed to do completed in a timely manner and not waste time and worst of all...energy on things that do not matter. We are all held accountable for our time and how we spend it. I would not have felt STRESS today if I had just did what I needed to do. Lesson learned! So off we "March" into April. I wonder what wonderful, exciting words...will be waiting for me there....smiles.
Wow I think SPRING is in the air at last! It was actually hot outside...yes I was outside again! It was wonderful. Okay I had to go out but I really did enjoy the wonderful SPRING day! It reached 78 degrees and I am so grateful. Its funny though how you can roast (happily so) outside and still need the heat inside. That does come in handy in the Summer though because then I don't need the A/C. Smiles. The photos that I took today are a far cry from less than two weeks ago when the blossoms were on and the daffodils were up. Now the leaves are on the trees almost to their normal size. SPRING is a wonderful time of year...a time of renewal and awaking...I am really loving it this year...much more than usual although Winter went really fast to me. So enjoy the warmth and the buds and all the wonderful things God has given us again. Above all...stay blessed.
Bonus post up next :- )
Bonus post up next :- )
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Today is the last day of "The 30/30 Challenge." Wow! 30 days went by really fast! Studying the WORD was great...is great. I have to say is because the 30 minutes a day for 30 days is just a launching point. I intend to keep studying God's WORD. This will become a daily part of my life now. God's WORD renews our minds...see Roman's 12:2. Who couldn't use some mind renewal...smiles. Man...nor woman...lives by bread alone...I need the WORD just like I need air and food! I need it to live! Was it a challenge? You bet it was...but all of us find time to do the things we really want to do...even if we feel like doing absolutely...nothing. To help me with my study of God's WORD, I was directed to something I had never heard of before but it is awesome! I have YouVersion, Glo, and another app simply called The Bible, but after being led to this one, I find it meets all my needs. I would like to share it with you. This Bible is portable and can be loaded to a flash drive and shared freely with others if you chose. The online Bible is a complete software program with too many wonderful things to list them all. TheWORD is all you need it to be and more and by God's grace it is free! Enjoy this discovery as much as I did. TheWORD Above all stay blessed!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Today I did something very unusual for me. Usually I am perfectly okay with staying indoors...especially when its raining. The weather report kept saying 90% rain until late afternoon but everytime I looked OUTSIDE it was sunny. Then after getting ready to go OUTSIDE...it would get very very cloudy and rain. I don't know why I wanted to go OUTSIDE so badly. Bailey needed hay and if I didn't go today, I would surely have to go tomorrow...and that was stretching it. I wrestled with this all day until finally at 5.12 pm I made up my mind to go OUTSIDE. I hurried and finished getting ready and flew out the door. As soon as I was OUTSIDE I felt a sense of relief, a sense of accomplishment...maybe because I had heard a still small inner voice telling me earlier in the day..."why put off until tomorrow, what you can do today." Was it perfect weather OUTSIDE? No...not even close. I was not dressed warm enough for the high winds, especially when the black clouds came and blotted out the sun and doused what bit of warmth that there was. Whether it was that still small voice, Baileys lack of enough hay, my desire for lettuce (salad)...which I didn't eat, or my desire to walk off the 2 pounds that I had gained...I felt great I felt empowered and the fresh air was invigorating! Maybe being OUTSIDE isn't so bad afterall.
My mother used to have to literally force me to go OUTSIDE! I was always in my room with my nose buried in a book...or writing short stories. For me this is progress...a giant step!
My mother used to have to literally force me to go OUTSIDE! I was always in my room with my nose buried in a book...or writing short stories. For me this is progress...a giant step!
HEADACHE is a word...so is Healing, Help, Hurry...smiles...I think you get my point. See you tomorrow x2...wink wink
Thursday, March 27, 2014
I had stopped attending BUSINESS meetings last year because my heart really wasn't in it. However since I prayed a few weeks ago that my passion for BUSINESS would return...I think that would include being present for at least the meetings that are pertinent to my field. I actually really enjoyed the BUSINESS meeting today. This is my second this year...it should have been my 3rd but I forgot one...half of it anyway. I couldn't arrive 30 minutes late...smiles. So here's to the success to everyone's BUSINESS! Keep moving forward!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
FORGIVENESS is a wonderful thing. Often it takes time. If you wait long enough, often it will happen on its own. I waited for FORGIVENESS to happen. I did take the first step though. It was easier for me...I think the person probably even forgot why they were upset with me in the first place...especially since it was something silly. Very silly. I am just happy that all is well. However now I have to set some boundaries. Ohhh FORGIVENESS is a wonderful thing...70 x 7. This time I was on the receiving end...however I must remember this when it is me who needs to show FORGIVENESS to someone else.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I have been feeling really LAZY the past couple of days. Not about everything...but some of the really important things. I have been doing my workouts now and then. I am doing my 30/30 Challenge but my feet are feeling like lead...I suppose that is to be expected...when you are doing something constructive it gets harder and harder to do. I need to get rid of this LAZY spirit by tomorrow. Which means I need to get way more sleep than the past few days. Why the word LAZY? The Bible does not have one good thing to say about being LAZY. Tomorrow I will not be LAZY by God's grace!
Monday, March 24, 2014
March is almost finished...it is winding down. I have learned so much on my journey. I need God's help to RETAIN it all! Learning is one thing and being able to RETAIN it is a totally different matter. So far so good though and if need be I have my notes and I can read my blog....smiles. Keeping this short...its been a long long day. Let's hear it for the word RETAIN! Have a great night!
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Tonite was the second time in less than two years I have been jolted by a loud banging on my door. I do not get unannounced guests and because I live in a gated community I could not imagine who would be pounding at that hour. I was about to totally ignore it thinking they must have the wrong door. Then I heard more pounding elsewhere and someone yelling Fire Department! Last time that happened I grabbed important things...yes I lollygagged but this time I grabbed my furbaby and a jacket and I was out the door. I THANK God all was well. My bunny was terrified...and you would be too is someone tossed you into a tote bag and zipped it shut! But I THANK God he was safe and secure. He accepted about 15 minutes of hugs when I took him out so I believe I am forgiven. Back inside I watched the late news report and saw a devastating fire in a building that displaced several families and destroyed everything they had. I THANK God for watching over us. I THANK God in their case no one died or was injured. I THANK God a thousand times over and above all I THANK Him for allowing me to know that there are more important things in life...than things.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
There are things in life that make you look at yourself from someone elses point of view and you say whoa...this has got to CHANGE! That was me today. I confess that I am not really good about doing laundry. It is not the laundry itself, because of course I want to have my favorite things clean always. No the problem is that the enemy has always used my fear of certain things against me. I am afraid of basements...ok terrified...my grandfather's fault totally! Therefore where the washer and dryer were in the basement of my house...I bolted the door shut and stopped going down there. I even paid someone $10...yes 10 dollars...to flip the switch on the breaker box. Thank God that is finished. Then there various neighbourhood laundromats that were questionable. Then there was the laundry facility that I went to that really was great until I was the first one to go in after it had been burglarized and trashed and holes were punched in the 2 doors inside and various other things. Funny though...I wasn't afraid at that moment...fear came later. So it not the laundry but the circumstances surrounding my fear. That has got to CHANGE! God has not given me a spirit of fear! I even saw a news segment today where the reporter said she faced her fear of heights by going up in a hot air balloon. She was way above the clouds. Now I will not say I will do that...smiles...but surely I can get past some of the other fears and phobias I have. Who knew that my grandfathers teasing and ghost stories about basements would cause a fear that if I allowed it...would last a lifetime. Not! A CHANGE has come! I will not allow this to rule over me...with God all things are possible! This is what my 365 day journey is all about...CHANGE...allowing God to CHANGE the things in me that just "gotta" go!
Long before there was a Facebook...there were things called Walls, much like those bulletin boards on college campuses, and laundromats where they tack and staple messages except they were virtual. I don't know why but I posted a simple message that said..."Do you want to be happy?" I received only one reply and that person and I became online FRIENDS for a few years. My very first virtual friend in a long line of many other online FRIENDS...some who have been in my life for years and others who have come and gone quickly. God is a friend who sticks closer than any brother (or any of our FRIENDS)...one of my favorite songs is "I am a friend of God" by Israel Houghton. God is always there for us...always. His friendship is unconditional, (just like His love) as well as everlasting. So although some FRIENDS are not in my life anymore I will treasure them...especially the memories I have of my two best FRIENDS who passed away a few months apart in 2008. Some FRIENDS are not a part of our destiny, while others help propel us towards our destiny. Treasure the FRIENDS that God has put in your life because time is often short...and those who don't need to be in your life because you stray from your path...rethink the friendship. Even if you don't have any FRIENDS in your life right now...remember God is there for you and with you!
Friday, March 21, 2014
My COMPUTER is acting crazy again will finish my word for today tomorrow...and tomorrow's tomorrow as well...smiles...its all good...this too shall pass!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Just when you think you have everything under CONTROL...along comes those whose whole purpose is to disrupt and disturb your day. Just like the enemy, (satan) when you let your guard down and everything is under CONTROL and progressing smoothly, there are setups that are designed to be setbacks. I do take part of the blame however because I did not put on my spiritual armor today. We are to put on the whole armor of God and put it on daily. That I will do from now on and never let my guard down, even when I feel like everything is under CONTROL and going well! I was so full of joy most of the day I just have known something would try and change my mood. In the end...I feel like I still came out victorious. That is all that matters...lesson learned!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Walking back to my house today I overheard a young man talking on his mobile phone. Actually I am sure the whole neighborhood heard him. He was quite loud and very irate. What caught my attention was when he stated that if he continued the relationship with his girl friend he would...and I quote..."end up in F*#@in jail!" Now it occurred to me to wonder...if that's the case...then why are they still TOGETHER? It seems in this day and age people would rather stay TOGETHER and be miserable than to be alone. Me personally, I couldn't take the aggravation, the agitation, or the stress of being in a relationship with anyone who pushed every button I have. Even in marriage the Bible cautions us about being unequally yoked. Spiritually yes...but in other ways as well. When two mules or oxen are yoked TOGETHER to plow or pull something...if they are not in agreement, nothing will be accomplished! It is the very same with human relationships. My mother always says that if you can get two people TOGETHER going in the right direction at the same time, doing the right thing...look how much they would accomplish. Even thieves know to do that...so why is it that married couples, dating couples, and friends can't seem to get along TOGETHER? Now thieves may not get along with each other after their evil deeds are done...but while they are in the midst of evil doing they work TOGETHER as one, all moving toward one goal. We who are in Christ are to be one body all working toward one goal...and no our goal is not Heaven. God has already promised us paradise when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Our goal is to win others to Christ! TOGETHER! The life we lead is to be our testimony...actions speak so much louder than words. If you are with someone and you are not married and all you do is fight...odds are you don't need to be TOGETHER...if you are married...work it out if possible...but do it TOGETHER and start with letting God be the center of your marriage. TOGETHER you will go a lot farther if you are working TOGETHER and not against one another.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
My laptop is very loud and sounding like a Mac truck again so I will have to keep this short because it is making my head pound. I have always been the type of person who is OVERJOYED by even the smallest of things. Today I was OVERJOYED because although I had 8 hours sleep...getting up at 6am was not easy, but I had an appointment and as you know we "gotta" do what we "gotta" do OVERJOYED about it or not! What made me OVERJOYED and made it all worth it was being able to ride the brand new Marta bus. Okay I know...what's to be OVERJOYED about that? Really from a distance I thought it was a tour bus. It did not look like public transportation at all! Don't get me wrong...we have nice buses...but the new one is exceptional! I was completely OVERJOYED! I thank God for all things great and small...especially since I did not want to go...and in my spirit I felt...get up and go! Lol. Pays to listen...you never know what you might miss out on! By the way...the new buses are being called "Sleek and Sexy!" What do you think?
Monday, March 17, 2014
30/30 Challenge UPDATE! Over halfway through the month and so many people including me, are being blessed by taking the 30/30 Challenge. Study God's word for 30 minutes a day for 30 days. Its not too late to begin...just carry your 30 days into April. My journey for 2014 incorporates, mind, body, and spirit so this challenge came right on time...near the beginning of the year, but not right at the start of my journey. I hope you have enjoyed this UPDATE...try the 30/30 challenge and see how blessed you will be in ways you can not even imagine. I have included the link at the end of this UPDATE just so you don't even have an excuse that you can't find it, or don't have time. Remember...man does not live by bread alone...smiles. Take the 30/30 Challenge
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Did you know you can retrain your brain to make HEALTHY choices when it comes to food? Like anything else in life we have to stop saying..."we don't like this or we don't like that," or the worst offender..."that's nasty!" I went from eating no veggies whatsoever a couple years ago, to basically eating all vegetables. As an adult I learned it wasn't the vegetable per say, that I didn't like...it was the way it was prepared. Gone are the days of dumping a bag of veggies in a large pot of boiling water and cooking them to mush. By the time you do that there is not one HEALTHY thing left in them. Canned vegetables should be outlawed...just my opinion. The sodium content is ridiculous! Many things we don't like don't even have a strong taste or any taste at all. I thought I would never be able to switch to the HEALTHY Greek yogurt when I really craved Yoplait Whips...but I did. I am not fond of fruit but if I throw it in a smoothie with Greek yogurt and some other HEALTHY goodies...I am happy to enjoy fruits of many different kinds. Rethink your food choices and start retraining your brain to make HEALTHY choices...hide spinach in that occasional mac and cheese (Its really good) bake your french fries and give up that fried chicken! You can bake/fry your chicken in the oven or the skillet with just a tablespoon of coconut oil and a lid. The lid lets the steam do the cooking and it really is quick...and very HEALTHY! Last but not least, limit your sugar consumption...if I can put less sugar in my coffee anyone can...smiles. Drink no sugar added natural juices and add carbonated water if you really crave the burn of soda. Think HEALTH, eat HEALTHY, be HEALTHY! We really are what we eat!
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Having PETS...furbabies...can be and is very therapeutic . I know many people do not want, do not like, or can not afford PETS but it has been proven that having or being around PETS helps lower blood pressure, prevent allergies to pet dander when exposed at a young age, and helps with your well-being in general. People who have PETS are less lonely...loneliness can lead to depression...great that PETS of all sorts are able to visit nursing homes. There are a wide variety of PETS available so do your research and consider adoption. Having a pet or PETS is a big commitment but you do reap an even bigger reward!
Friday, March 14, 2014
If I were trying to fast...I would be starving...but the fact is I have no appetite whatsoever! I am still feeling ILL so I will keep this short. Yes I was very ILL yesterday and later felt better. I believe no matter what or how I feel at this moment that I am healed. A test of my faith...perhaps...but either way I believe. A good night sleep is in order, so ciao!
By His stripes I was healed ~ Isaiah 53:5B
By His stripes I was healed ~ Isaiah 53:5B
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Yesterdays word...neighbour...has been really testing me beyond measure. Last night just when I was drifting off to sleep...they woke me up with their noise...again. I made it through but woke up extremely tired and worse...ill. Now I would have thought that would have wrecked my complete day...but no...because God can take any situation and turn it into something for my GOOD, and He did...all things work together for our GOOD. I had things I really needed to do but I heard a still small inner voice telling me to stay in and all would be well...with me...with my delivery...with how I was feeling. I slept off and on all day until almost 4 pm and it felt so GOOD! The best thing is that by doing the right thing...the sick feeling went away so fast I almost did not remember I was ever feeling so ill. God is still a healer! God is GOOD...and as they say...all the time God is GOOD! If you want all things to work together for your GOOD...then walk with God! Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
We all know that the Bible says that we are to love our NEIGHBOR as we love ourselves...but have you ever felt your NEIGHBOR may have been part of a test you need to pass? Every single NEIGHBOR I have had has tested my patience, my emotions, and everything in between. This time I am determined to pass because really, I can not take another noisy or nosy NEIGHBOR! I thought when a family moved in things would at last be wonderful....ahhh but no...they have almost burned down our building... but not exactly their fault since it was their vehicle that caught on fire...albeit right by my window...and who knew that they would let their toddler and his mother by the way...sleep all day and come alive at precisely between 11.30 pm and midnight so he would be up to play with dad after work (at first I felt this so touching). They are quiet as church mice all day...except if I am trying to do something that requires silence and then they are stomping, running, and worst of all I swear the baby plays with...not just his bumble ball (remember those things? Who even knew they still made them)...but he also plays with what sounds like a full sized jackhammer which shakes...yes shakes the whole building. I have had a NEIGHBOR who threw himself on the floor constantly...he had issues so I tried to be at peace...one who jumped so hard it was bowing the ceiling so I moved everything in case it fell in...one who washed and dried clothes literally all day and all night and when she wasn't doing that her abusive boyfriend was fighting with her...he didn't live there so when he wasn't there she would cry and listen to 3 R&B songs over and over until he returned...and then they would fight. I have had the thief NEIGHBOR who was also nosy and stayed glued to my door...and who would expect a senior citizen to do such a thing...although after another incident I realized you have to watch out for old people...they are good at what they do when they are doing wrong...but that's another story. I have had the 40 year old NEIGHBOR with the 20 year old girlfriend who was abusive to him and all my family photos would fall on the floor...frames intact...from them bumping the walls. Kudos to him for never hitting her back! Now you may wonder why I didn't just move...but I did...this occurred in different locations. Whatever it is I need to learn about loving my NEIGHBOR...this time I am going to love them so much they will wonder why they are so blessed! Every time when I might be angry I pray that God will bless them. Not at all easy when I really feel like taking the advice of several friends who suggest I report them (but they have a baby), pray them away like I did washer woman (but they have a baby), knock on their door or leave a note (but they might do me bodily harm lol), or take the broom and hit the ceiling (totally bad idea because they might just get louder)...all friendly advice from friends. No! I will love my NEIGHBOR as myself...and maybe then...they will just move...I pray so... but really who knows what (or who) lurks at the rental office next.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Most of the time being DEPENDENT is considered a bad trait. We are encouraged not to be DEPENDENT on anyone. That can be a good thing because when we are DEPENDENT on others, they will either begin to resent you, or it will stifle your growth...or they will fail us. We do however have permission to be DEPENDENT on our Heavenly Father for all of our needs. Learning to be DEPENDENT on He who loves us most takes practice. I am learning. After all is the birds do not worry about what they will eat, drink or wear, why should we. I vow to remain DEPENDENT on God for all of my needs. That does not mean to be lazy but to know all that I have comes from Him and belongs to Him. Even becoming DEPENDENT is a learning process...and my journey continues...
Monday, March 10, 2014
Joyce Meyer always says, "Where the mind goes, the man follows!" What a true statement! For over 2 months now my main objective has been, by God's grace, to REPROGRAM my mind. If I can succeed, with God's help, to REPROGRAM my thoughts and think like God thinks...well let's just say the possibilities are endless! Is it easy...no of course not! but like everything else...it can be done! God has placed a seed in each one of us to succeed...to be successful in all that we do...as long as it all lines up with His Word...and it does. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me...including to REPROGRAM my "Stinkin Thinkin" (J.M.) We all have things, such as bad habits, that we need to REPROGRAM. Sit down, think about it, write the things down on paper that you need help from God to REPROGRAM and let you thoughts and new good habits take you to wondrous new heights!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
It amazes me how just manipulating the time can affect the body. I did not have one bit of ENERGY...not a drop....and after sleeping 8 hours I still felt out of sorts...all day. I faced many challenges today as well and to be honest usually when my ENERGY is low...I have a hard time overcoming them. Usually that is when the enemy will attack you. Even predators will attack the weak prey animals and they recognise them by their lack of ENERGY. During my study time today I learned that God wants us to not only have ENERGY but He desires that we have strength to go along with it. When we do not have ENERGY we are not at our best. We are grumpy, sad, eat too much, etc. just trying to function and gain some ENERGY! Guard your health, eat the very best way you can afford...its not easy, but it can be done if you make right choices. Get strong...Stay strong...Gain ENERGY...that we may be about our Fathers business!
I did by the way...overcome my hurdles today, by Gods grace and His everlasting mercy. I did not stumble but all glory to God for today He was truly my strength and my ENERGY and I can do all things through Christ....
I did by the way...overcome my hurdles today, by Gods grace and His everlasting mercy. I did not stumble but all glory to God for today He was truly my strength and my ENERGY and I can do all things through Christ....
Saturday, March 8, 2014
We all know what day it is in America! Its "SPRING FORWARD" time! My favourite day of the year really. Although I will admit that my lack of complaining about the cold weather...really made it seem a lot faster than usual. I thank God for that! I had already vowed to stop complaining about the cold temperatures earlier this year and I am very happy about the reward I received...smiles. The only problem because we "SPRING FORWARD" tonite, I already feel extremely late for bed, so I am keeping this short...but sweet....smiles. There will be no binge watching on Netflix tonite :- ( Remember to set your clocks an hour ahead and "SPRING FORWARD" towards Spring and warmer weather and above all...daylight!
Today's word reflects on the fact that lack of complaining has its just reward. The cold weather and any cloudy days were always my thing to complain about...but no more.
Today's word reflects on the fact that lack of complaining has its just reward. The cold weather and any cloudy days were always my thing to complain about...but no more.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Today for my DC (Daily Challenge) I was supposed to close my eyes, relax, and soak up the SILENCE. No problem for me because I love SILENCE. SILENCE is not always easy to find however. I remember a time a few years ago sitting in the bathroom on a bench because it was the only place where no one was screaming at one another...and no they were not arguing...my family is just very very loud! Way too loud for me...and they still are. I am usually fine as long as I can find a peaceful corner somewhere. Like me...maybe you don't have a place where you can bask in SILENCE...the children, the dog, the cat, or like my house...even the refrigerator. I never really realized how many things buzz and hum and thump until there was a power outage. The SILENCE then was actually hurting my ears. Just like when I am in pitch darkness and my eyes try desperately to see something...anything...so do my ears...after all they were designed to hear...SILENCE seems to cause them to think there is a malfunction. But SILENCE, when you embrace it...is peaceful, like your favourite fuzzy slippers or fluffy blanket. SILENCE can allow you to breathe deeply...let stress out and much needed calming oxygen in. On the spiritual side, if we are always enveloped in sounds how can you hear the still small voice of God? I don't believe we can unless we take a break from all the things that produce the sounds. Like the TV, the mobile phones, the video games, etc. If you feel stressed...take 2-5 minutes and just sit in SILENCE, mediate, breathe deeply, pray, do what allows you to put balance back into your life. That will be beneficial to both you and your family. I had never read this quote before until my challenge today when someone posted a quote by Mother Teresa...I found another that I love all the more and would like to share it with you. SILENCE really is golden.
To make possible true inner SILENCE, practice:
SILENCE of the eyes, by seeking always the beauty and goodness of God everywhere, and closing them to the faults of others and to all that is sinful and disturbing to the soul.
SILENCE of the ears, by listening always to the voice of God and to the cry of the poor and the needy, and closing them to all other voices that come from fallen human nature, such as gossip, tale bearing, and uncharitable words.
SILENCE of the tongue, by praising God and speaking the life-giving Word of God that is the truth, that enlightens and inspires, brings peace, hope, and joy; and by refraining from self-defense and every word that causes darkness, turmoil, pain, and death.
SILENCE of the mind, by opening it to the truth and knowledge of God in prayer and contemplation, like Mary who pondered the marvels of the Lord in her heart, and by closing it to all untruths, distractions, destructive thoughts, rash judgments, false suspicions of others, vengeful thoughts, and desires.
SILENCE of the heart, by loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength; loving one another as God loves; and avoiding all selfishness, hatred, envy, jealousy, and greed.
I shall keep the SILENCE of my heart with greater care, so that in the SILENCE of my heart I hear His words of comfort, and from the fullness of my heart I comfort Jesus in the distressing disguise of the poor. For in the SILENCE and purity of the heart God speaks.
~Mother Teresa
Thursday, March 6, 2014
I really don't like television holding me HOSTAGE! That may sound a bit extreme but I am not an avid tv watcher and I find nothing more aggravating than being held HOSTAGE by programs I do not wish to see airing before the "good" shows lol. Am I the only one? Really I do not watch The Voice but a program I would watch always airs after 2 hours of singing. My solution? No matter what it is or how badly I would love to watch it...I refuse to be held HOSTAGE and I don't watch. Sooner or later that program will land on Netflix or to a big box store where I can just purchase the whole series. Many stations also let you catch up on missed programs on their websites...Big Ups to them! ABC is great for that. I am more than willing to wait one additional day. I do make an exception on Thursday nights though...Once Upon A Time In Wonderland...just gets muted for an hour... I do wonder if they count me as a viewer...smiles.
The purpose of HOSTAGE being today's word was to remind myself there is a solution to every problematic situation. Sometimes its simple and sometimes it maybe more complex...but there is always a solution.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Today...on a lighter note...I absolutely adore football...SOCCER! I can not wait until the World Cup starts! I love that more than the Olympics. Although the last one was in 2010...I can not even remember what I was doing at that time. Maybe because misery causes blackouts lol. 4 years before that...I had not even arrived in Georgia yet. That would come 6 months later. Amazing how we can gauge our lives by certain events...even SOCCER matches. It was great to see that the SOCCER match at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta between Nigeria and Mexico was sold out! It was a night match so I didn't go but it was great to watch it on tv...on the Spanish channel...Viva la Mexico! Without them...I would have missed out. Although with the score nil-nil (0-0) maybe it would not have mattered...yes it would have...smiles. There has been talk...whispers really...of Atlanta having a Major League SOCCER team and that would be awesome! Tonight though...the news said it is in the works. Big smiles! Through my 365 word journey though...I am becoming more passionate about other things besides sports. That also brings Big smiles!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Listening to the national news today, I heard a very interesting news segment about ANGER. ANGER can indeed cause health problems especially if that ANGER is habitual. Individuals who are full of ANGER on a daily or ongoing basis are five times more likely to have a massive heart attack and two times more likely to have a stroke...or vice versa. The effects of that ANGER can last up to two hours. When parents used to say...be careful you might bust a gasket...turns out...they were serious. I sometimes get filled with ANGER just like anyone else...but I let it be a flash in the pan. I do exactly what is recommended...take a deep breath, and/or walk away. I usually do the later. Count to 10 if that works for you. I have also learned the mute button can be my best friend when someone's ANGER is directed at me when they are really feeling ANGER toward someone else. (This happened over a week ago to me) Rather than get upset...I walked away. Soon afterwards I was right as rain again...but apparently my family member is still fuming. That almost makes me laugh...except its sad that people are filled with ANGER over dumb things. This is why the Bible says we should not let the sun set on our ANGER...it really is not healthy and if you let it...like a bad wound...ANGER will fester and cause other problems. If you feel ANGER towards anyone today...give it up, let it go, and move on, especially if it is in the past...and the past can be two minutes ago! Just believe that the other person have moved on...like me...a few minutes later and is enjoying their life. If you feel you just can not do it...try reading "Do Yourself A Favor And Forgive" by Joyce Meyer. I have not read it...but it comes highly recommended. If you need a reminder...you can always sing..."Let It Go" from "Frozen"....smiles...at least its a reminder.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Through the 30/30 Challenge I am learning a lot and it is only day 3...amazing what gaining knowledge will do. I am learning more and more about how my...and yours...PAST can deeply affect my future. I know a few people that talk more about their PAST and who wronged them and how, more than they ever speak of their future or even their here and now. I sometimes let PAST hurts creep up on me as well, but I am learning day by day to banish them away from my present and future. One of the problems with dwelling on PAST hurts is that we all tend to wallow in self-pity...bad idea. On occasion I do ask God to allow me just a few minutes or less...to wallow. I can almost hear Him sigh and say...if you must...so it doesn't last long at all. I am too embarrassed to allow myself to slip backwards and fall into my own pity party. After all no one ever shows up for it but me...smiles. I vow to no longer let my PAST affect my future...God knows about all the hurts and disappointments we have along the journey of our lives...and if there is someone who we need vindication from...I know He will take care of it and give me double for my trouble...if...I just let it all go. So bye bye PAST and hello future!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Today I would like to share with you a wonderful challenge I have embarked on. It is called the "30/30 CHALLENGE." during the "30/30 CHALLENGE" you learn to study God's word for 30 minutes a day, for 30 days! After signing up you will receive an email daily...if you choose...that will encourage you and inspire you. I wanted to share this invaluable challenge with all of you because I know it will not just be beneficial to me, but will also be a great help to you. May God bless you all.
The "30/30 CHALLENGE" link------>http://3030challenge.joycemeyer.org/resources/?utm_source=30%2F30+Challenge&utm_campaign=5c4c9effa5-3030challenge&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_eff7ebdab9-5c4c9effa5-19695545
The "30/30 CHALLENGE" link------>http://3030challenge.joycemeyer.org/resources/?utm_source=30%2F30+Challenge&utm_campaign=5c4c9effa5-3030challenge&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_eff7ebdab9-5c4c9effa5-19695545
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Wow, it is very hard to believe that March is here already. The third month of the year! By God's grace I am still on my journey. March is often referred to as March MADNESS because it is the time of year when the college basketball season goes into their playoffs. MADNESS can also be slang for chaos. I love peace, but when people try to inflict their MADNESS into the lives of others...I no longer accept that. Often it is easier said than done because I really do not like to say no and usually only say it when backed into a corner. So if there is MADNESS (chaos) in your life...just know that you do not have to let it affect you. I have learned that I really don't have to react in a negative way...mine manifested as guilt usually...I can just say that this is their issue not mine. If someone gets angry or upset over silly little things or they can not twist my arm and manipulate me to do what they want...doesn't matter...they can keep their MADNESS to themselves...smiles.
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