Saturday, February 22, 2014


When I am TIRED nothing seems to go just right. My mood is bad, my emotions tend to get out of whack, I can't exercise, and worst of all I just plain can not function! So if I am TIRED why didn't I sleep? Well I did until my dear Bailey (my new furbaby) woke me up at 5.20 am for no reason in particular. Its not like I have to wake up for midnight feedings like an infant. He had food and water but decided the wee hours of the morning were a good time to "voice" his opinion about his new water bottle. Which he absolutely doesn't like! I can not be TIRED everyday so I will have to come up with a solution or wait for Bailey to grow up. Until the end of last year, when I started doing some deep soul searching, I never even noticed how important not being TIRED is to my mental, spiritual, and physical health. I am sure being TIRED affects different people in different ways. It is always good to learn about yourself for your own well being. 

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