Saturday, May 31, 2014


Often before I go to bed I find myself thinking, "I can't wait to go to sleep and WAKE UP so I can have my cup of coffee." How a wonderful would it be if I went to bed thinking of how I can't wait to wake up and see what God has in store for me today. Who can I help. who can I pray for, what doors will God open, etc. When I WAKE UP I always say a prayer but that is but a small drop in a very large bucket. I will do my very best when I WAKE UP, on the days I am going out, to include a prayer that I may help someone. I have when I am out but I know there is always more that I can do.

This is my very last May post...tomorrow its off to a brand new month...another branch of my one word journey! Lord willing...I will see you all tomorrow!

A cute little reminder to pray when we wake up...smiles


Life may not be a COMPETITION but it sure feels like it! Everyone seems to try and outdo each other in every aspect. I have never been very competitive I will admit. I am not sure if that is good or bad. I do believe that God made me unique...I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) COMPETITION can be a great thing but with everyone sharing their lives on social media we can often feel like we are in a COMPETITION. As someone once pointed out to do you know they are not making all that up? Hmmm you don't but I know I don't feel like trying to figure it out. I simply don't read it. Why? Because the enemy knows exactly what changes your mood. I am learning to stop him at the onset!


It is hard to believe today is the very last day of May already. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Smiles. After last nights "flood" incident, today was an exercise in PATIENCE. No one came to soak up all the water. Thank God I had collected enough store adds to lay on the soaked carpet so I didn't have to slosh around in it like I was outside playing in puddles. Technically my PATIENCE is gone. I would like to think someone who owned property would not want it ruined. If I see one drop of mold anywhere they will have to do way more than sucking up some water. Things like this are not the only thing we need PATIENCE for. I had a customer issue today that worked out in my favor...praise God for that. I also praise God that even before I did some research and found out it was not my error, that I was kind and my PATIENCE was shinning before and even after. Talking to a family member who is throwing away money that could feed a small village also took PATIENCE. PATIENCE is definitely a virtue! It is also a learning process.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Just when you think you are having a wonderful day...everything starts heading south. I am being stable to a degree or at least after I had my vent talking to my mother smiles. I had bad news and then my neighbors flooded my apartment again! This is the second time they have done that. Between that and them keeping me awake I am ready to complain. In a kind way of course. I am off schedule and typing late again. Only because I was waiting for them to come extract all the water. It took me all this time to figure out they really are not this hour they would have to be paid more money and we all know how property owners feel about that! I believe all of this is for a reason...even if its to add to my list of 101 ways to learn to love thy neighbor...smiles.

Bet you thought today's word was in there didn't you? Smiles. Today I was doing things that I didn't even know why I was doing them...actually the past few days I was praying for someone because they were on my mind heavy...turns out they needed and still need that prayer. I learned a valuable lesson...that even the tiniest things that we do...when we are not aware or knowing why they are doing them...can lead to KNOWING or finding out something God wants you to be know. The old saying can run, but you can't so true! When God directs your path...He gives you a don't know how you know, you may not even know why you are doing certain things but God gives us all discernment...what the world calls a sixth sense. That KNOWING not only shows you things you need to know...but it also keeps you safe. I am able to place something somewhere and in my mind see it fall and later it does. I have learned most of the time to move it, push it back, or make some adjustment. Is it me? Not even! It is God! When you have a KNOWING and/or hear God's still small voice...listen to it...always. Just remember that God's voice will never...ever...tell you to do anything wrong that will hurt you or anyone else...if you hear that...its the wrong voice...God is Love!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Everyday I complete a Daily Challenge on I have only forgotten twice since I started in 2012. I should say that I remembered too late for it to count...smiles. For today's challenge I had to set an alarm so that I will wind down 1 hour before bedtime, and bedtime has to allow me to have 8 hours of sleep according to when I wake up. I consider this to be a significant aspect of my Mind, BODY, and word journey. We are tri-fold beings, and if one part is off kilter, it affects the whole lot. I need my mind (my emotions and thoughts), BODY (my flesh), and my spirit ( where Gods holiness dwells) to all line up. This is not always easy for me...I tend to be led by my mind way more than I care to be but i am learning. We all know not to live in the flesh. I was taught that in church at a young age although the flesh and spirit do occasionally battle as it does in all of us. This was a rather lengthy explanation of why I am writing early today. Often lately I am up late and I still have not typed about my daily journey. From now on I will try and structure my day (24 hrs) from afternoon to afternoon. Definitely better for my well being and for my BODY.


MAYA ANGELOU passed away today. What a wonderful woman she was. She was inspirational to so many, especially women. I did not know much about MAYA ANGELOU until I heard Janet Jackson recite Phenomenal Woman in the film she was starring in with Tupac Shakur. I was mesmerized by that poem. So much so that I had to find out who wrote it...after I found out that Janet didn't. I quickly added her to my short list (at that time) of favorite poets. Nikki Giovanni and Langston Hughes and then MAYA ANGELOU. I also loved reading Kahil Gibran. It seems even then, I was always searching for something even though I had God at a very young age. Its funny how you can have something but if you don't go deep within and connect with will not know you have the greatest treasure already. MAYA ANGELOU leaves behind a legacy...but we all leave something...some of us just leave a smaller footprint than others, but we are all equally important and treasured by God.
MAYA ANGELOU...Rest In Peace and thank you for being a woman of integrity, love, and peace. Most of all we thank you for being a Phenomenal Woman indeed!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Tonight was very AGGRAVATING! Between interruptions and my laptop issues, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Last night I laughed so hard when I was supposed to be serious and I just couldn't help myself...I really did try...and when you are on the phone having a serious conversation...maybe I shouldn't have been laughing myself silly. It was a symptom of the stress I was feeling at the time, which repeated itself today. Tomorrow will not be AGGRAVATING in the evening. My day will stay peaceful and if it doesn't I will stay stable. I will not let people disturb my Jesus Name I Pray not anyway...smiles. 

Keeping it short...laptop issues.

Monday, May 26, 2014


Today of course is MEMORIAL DAY. Actually we are observing it today because this holiday like many others was moved to accommodate those who desired a long weekend. Memorial Day is on May 31 although even the calendars long since stop listing both observed and the traditional date. MEMORIAL DAY is considered the unofficial start of the Summer season. People head out of the cities and travel to other cities where they attend cookouts, parties, plunge into now open swimming pools, and crowd onto beaches. Others attend MEMORIAL DAY parades and lay flowers and wreaths and flags on the graves of the fallen. We, as people, are always finding clever ways to divert even somber holidays into a party atmosphere...smiles. Just remember the reason we have a MEMORIAL DAY holiday.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


...and he closed his eyes and flopped. If you know anything about house bunnies, when they are perfectly content, at peace, and feel SECURE, they will actually close their eyes, and stop twitching their nose. If they are really relaxed they flop over and really get comfortable. Bailey, my bunny had never quite achieved that and like most rabbits he slept in tiny increments with his eyes open. You really could not tell he was sleeping at all. God wants us to feel safe, SECURE, and at peace in our daily lives. For me that has been a process. Like Bailey, I can now feel safe and peaceful, and because God is always with me, I feel SECURE. Today was the very first day since I brought my furbaby home, that he didn't come out for "Bailey Time"...he was so content he wanted to stay with me all day. Should God expect any less from me that I will want to spend time with him? That I will always feel safe and SECURE knowing that all my needs are met? No he should not. What a valuable lesson learned.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Today I had one of my "JUST DO IT!" moments. There are things I know I need to do but like many others, I tend to drift off on tangents. I know you are not supposed to put off until tomorrow what you can do today, especially since I have proven...tomorrow never comes or at the very least, there is a very very long delay. I went to bed with my "JUST DO IT!" attitude so it was on my mind first thing this morning when I woke up! I thank God for His grace, His mercy, and His patience with me to accomplish this simple but pressing milestone in my life. Amazing how hard it was to complete a task most people do a few times a week or daily...sigh. I don't want my life to become mundane but I do need to work on structure...smiles. I have a bit over 183 days to get it right!

Friday, May 23, 2014


There are times when I am watching the news or reading an online news report, that I can not believe the HATRED people have for one another. There is lack of compassion, no respect for anything or even the very life of another human being. No wonder the Bible says...God is Love! HATRED is running rampant, not just in America, but all over the world! We are commanded to love thy neighbor (one another) as we love ourselves...there must not be much self love going on at all. I do not want to even write about what prompted this post...each and every thing is despicable. Unlike the media I chose not to have people "click like" and "share." In my opinion this is another form of HATRED. I am learning to Live2Love...not find fault, point a finger, accuse, forgive, and not judge. Is it always easy? No! But it is a choice we can all chose to make.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I was reading a quote I have on my wall today. Sometimes you pass by something so often that you really don't pay it any attention. It says, INDIVIDUALITY...Imagine taking a path that is your own. Life can often be just that when you dare to be different and stand out as express your INDIVIDUALITY. It is not always easy taking the narrow path but the less traveled path leads to blessings. I except my path and stay on it because I know it is God's will for my life. Often when we see others doing things we long to do, we think we would love to have that since of freedom. True freedom comes from discipline, with God's help and guidance, and not taking advantage of His grace and mercy. It is easy to try and see just how much we can get away with and still squeak by and get into Heaven. We have been set apart from the world. Each of us has our own INDIVIDUALITY but we are all part of the body of Christ. Dare to be different and let your light shine! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I seem to have several tests going on at the same time. CONTROL seems to be the one most pertinent for today though. It is so hard to have CONTROL when someone calls you to aggravate and agitate you. It just doesn't make sense to me. I really was thinking that there should be an easy way to tell people that you really can not or will not be able to talk to them. I mean for a long, long time. I have so much peace when I don't. Having enough CONTROL not to get upset, angry, or emotional was not easy at all. It is even worse when it is someone I have to respect even if I didn't want to...or at least I should. I know the enemy knows just who to use to push all my buttons. I did my best Joyce says...stay stable. No matter how often I have had this test, I usually fail somewhere in the conversation. I did much better today. I kept reminding myself of what my mother used to say..."If you don't have anything good to say, don't say nothing at all!" Funny how people who talk way to much about nothing...never even notice when you aren't talking...smiles. God help me to have CONTROL....pleaseeeeee.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Today is the 1 year anniversary of the Moore tornado.  Very sad for those who lost loved ones especially children. It seems that more and more we measure time and dates by DISASTERS. It is wonderful that the children of today have so many learning tools and electronic technology that those of us who are older never could have even imagined. the downside of that fact though is those same children will never know a time of peace and tranquility and the joys and freedom of just being a child. Before we learned there were bad people in the world, before we had to lock our doors, before there were so many DISASTERS. To those of us who spent much of week in church...two long services on Sunday, Bible study two times on Tuesday or Wednesdays, choir rehearsal, or drama rehearsal on Thursday or Friday night, Young Peoples service on Friday nights...we were taught what the Bible says about impending DISASTERS and how they would affect the earth and mankind. I also learned that scientists and naysayers would find scientific, illogical, irrational ways to explain it all away. The Bible says to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) I can also say, I never forgot it either. We are living in the time of DISASTERS of every kind which are all in the Bible. My natural reaction is fear, however, the Bible instructs us not to be afraid and that is what I hold on to. Will the DISASTERS continue? Rest assured they will, and although we don't want to become either hardhearted where we have no response to them, we also don't want to over emotional. Watching the news can be depressing. I try to take the "Watch and Pray" approach. Prayer may not stop the inevitable but it can help those affected by DISASTERS. Stay well and stay blessed, above all...stay focused on our Lord and Savior!

Monday, May 19, 2014


There is an old saying..."You don't miss what you never had." That is true to an extent, however in America everything is in your face. Of course it is that way in other countries as well. Products, electronics, even foods that are advertised are not available to everyone. I believe much of the crime today is based on LUST. People see, then people want. I stopped looking at store ads long ago because I always see what I don't need but suddenly want. Now if I glance at them now and again it has not effect on me. The Bible talks about the LUST of the eye and the LUST of the flesh. Mix LUST, coveting, and jealousy all together and what do you get? Criminals committing crimes. I am justifying their actions one bit. It does take a strong person though, to not live above your means and to be grateful for what you have. We tend to forget about those that have less and focus on those who have more. No matter how little you may have, there is always someone somewhere with less. It is great to have goals and dreams...just remember to be grateful. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014


What a wonderful thing it was to watch California Chrome win his second race when he finished first in  the Belmont Stakes! We always root for those who are considered the underdogs. The Bible says that many who are first now shall be last and that many who are last now shall be first. (Matt. 19:30 NLT) California Chrome, a horse of small beginnings, has gone on to win 2/3 of a series of races that according to others, he never should have been able to even be in. The owners were laughed at, ridiculed, and I am sure the butt of many jokes, for purchasing a cheap mare and breeding her with an insignificant stallion, and expecting a racehorse. Not just any racehorse...but a great one...a WINNER who would come out on top! Many of us may seem, to others as insignificant, ones with small beginnings, or no pedigree behind our names or in our bloodline, but God has destined us for greatness. There is a WINNER inside each of us! Just like the owners of California Chrome...we need to believe that we have a WINNER inside of us! No matter what you have heard or been told in the past...God wants you to know that you are a WINNER! If you only believe!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Did you ever pray for something and while you are WAITING, everyone else seems to be receiving what you prayed for? WAITING on God to answer our prayers is not always easy. It is especially not easy when you are WAITING and everyone else seems to be on the receiving end. I know this is a test of faith. A test of attitude, perseverance, a test of everything with in me. I will try my best to be positive while I am WAITING. I am learning to ban all negativity...whether it is negative thoughts, words, or actions.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Today was an emotional day for me...I do not do well with change...or at least I didn't until a few years ago when I learned an important fact...change is inevitable! It is also healthy. Who really wants to be stuck in a rut, comfortable or not? Not me! I have learned to embrace change, however it is very inconceivable to me that BARBARA WALTERS will not be on television. She has been on TV my entire life! The funny thing is I didn't watch late night TV, so I never saw any of her 29 (now 30) appearances on The Late Show. I rarely watched her specials before the award shows. I think I saw maybe 2 complete shows and bits and pieces of others if there was someone that caught my ears. Maybe because I have never been "into" stars. I did not watch the news, it has only been the past few years that I have become obsessed with it...smiles. BARBARA WALTERS is an icon...I can't imagine TV without her. Perhaps it is because I bought into the hype, after all I had not watched the view in years, but once I learned that BARBARA WALTERS was retiring and leaving the show, I watched it every single day that I was able, for the past few months. All leading up to today...the last day of BARBARA WALTERS. I never realized or appreciated her legacy as much as I have this week. There are many people, some good, some bad, and some great, who have, and who will leave their mark in the world. People who we will know they existed. What legacy will I leave for God when He calls me home? What legacy will you leave?

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Wow its been a couple of days...but my journey has continued in spite of. I received 5 jigsaw puzzles from my daughter for Christmas last year and when 2 pieces turned up missing on puzzle number 3 I knew I had to be the one who had miss placed would have to know my daughter to understand why...smiles. I found them later that evening stuck to a piece of tape I had used to make the cardboard stronger since I also received Decoupage to preserve them because they are masterpieces from a famous artist. That said, I moved on to puzzle number 4 and it was small but complicated so I left it alone for about 3 months. A few days ago I needed something to do and it became my mission to complete that puzzle so I could move on to the last one which I knew would be fun. It took almost 3 days to finish it and as it was winding down I kept feeling like all the pieces were not there. A bit frustrating, but it wasn't my favorite puzzle so I conceded to that fact. I had sought one piece almost from the beginning and was perplexed at not being able to find it because it was quite distinctive. Of course at the very end all the pieces were there...except that one piece. I looked high and low, even where I had found the last 2 pieces stuck. It even occurred to me that perhaps my daughter wasn't as perfectly organized as I thought and maybe she had lost the piece...after all 1 piece out of all the thousands she sent me was not inconceivable right? That only lasted a second...I know her too well. After exhausting all of my options, I said a quiet PRAYER...I simply said, "Lord, I would really like to find this last puzzle piece just so that it will not be incomplete. I need your help because I do not know anywhere else to look." After that I forgot about it. This morning I woke up, watched Joyce Meyer, took notes as usual and after it was finished I went back to watching The Today Show. Something caught my attention and I did what I always do, jotted it down. I have a special notebook for that. It was buried under my pillows and some books I am reading so I had yank on it really hard to pull it out. I wrote my note and sat it down on a table that I had set up. For some reason I picked it up and opened the cover and there was the puzzle piece. I saw it but knew that there was no reason for it to logically be there. All I could do was stare at it. There was a big permanent gap between the hard cover and the first page which means it should have fell out. It was there, just like it had been placed there for me to find it. I smiled...God had heard my PRAYER...but more than that, He was letting me know He also heard the PRAYER I said after that one. I praise God for the lesson he taught me with a simple puzzle piece. The problems I have are just one small piece of the puzzle of my life. God will complete my puzzle, one piece at a time...all the while, I am a becoming a beautiful masterpiece. 

Therefore I tell you, 
whatever you ask in prayer, 
believe that you have received it, 
and it will be yours.
~Mark 11:24 ESV

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Unfortunately it is STORMING! I will return tomorrow. Have a great night and stay blessed!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Tomorrow will be a "twofer"...way to tired to even think...smiles. I do thank God for His FAVOR though. More on that...tomorrow!

Monday, May 12, 2014


Of course now that I am one third the way of my 365 word journey, I feel like I am going uphill. Like a MARATHON, you start out with a lot of zeal, fresh...ready to conquer the word...the about one third the way...we hit a hill. You still want to finish the MARATHON, but the journey is no longer at the starting line and the finish line looks very far away. Going the hill is not easy but at least when we get to the top, we know we will be able to have a break and go down the other side...until the next hill. Right now I feel like I am going uphill in sand...smiles. That's good...this is where dedication, perseverance, and determination kicks in. Even more...this is when I really have to lean on God. With God all things are possible! Victory is mine and I will finish my journey...365 words...or not...smiles. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Today is MOTHER'S Day! It is a wonderful day of celebration for most...but for some it can be a somber day. Two of my spiritual MOTHER'S have passed on, and the Mother who raised me, also has. That is one advantage to having two MOTHER'S...I still have one left to appreciate. There are two MOTHER'S who lost their only children, one last night and one last week, both under 5 years old. My heart breaks for those two MOTHER's as well as those in Nigeria who are without their precious daughters. I thank God that all my babies are safe and sound. Even Joey who is the safest of all...he is Heaven.  I am grateful that this year I have another furbaby. God has been good to me and I am eternally thankful. Happy MOTHER'S Day to all the MOTHER'S...stay blessed!

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Today was one of those days that makes you reflect on human mortality. We never know when or how our end will come. Time always seems short to those of us on the outside looking in. When a family member passes away, whether you were close or not doesn't matter, it still affects you in one way or another. Under these circumstances, which can not be mentioned to protect the privacy of those who were a bit closer to this family member, I have learned an important lesson...APPRECIATE those in your family now because after they are gone...its too late. APPRECIATE your friends as well. I learned this valuable lesson then as well, so I will consider this as a reminder. When you delay calls, text messages, greeting cards, etc...we think we have all the time in the world to catch up. We think...there's always tomorrow. But tomorrow does not always come for our friends, our family members, or ourselves. Our time on earth is like a drip of water in the ocean...learn to APPRECIATE people while they are alive because tomorrow may be too late. Too late to say I love you, too late to apologize, too late to forgive. Don't let the past keep you from your future, your destiny. APPRECIATE the time you have with family and may not always get along or agree, but just imagine how you will feel if they are no longer in your life. Due to circumstances beyond my control I was estranged from my family so I never had the chance to really get to know this family member, but somehow my heart still grieves. I will always cherish our last conversation a few months ago. I APPRECIATE all my friends who prayed for this family member and asked if prayer had been answered every single day until it was answered and all was well. I APPRECIATE those who rejoiced with me that God heard our prayers and this family member was here another 6-7 months. God is good!
I APPRECIATE everyone who is reading my posts. I hope you are taking your own 365 word journey, or at least reflecting on your life this 2014. Not your past, the past is dead...we can never get that back...always look to our future, our destiny. Stay well...stay blessed.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you REST." I need REST...not only in the form of sleep...but from those who disturb me on a daily basis. Satan keeps sending repeats and "three-peats" and although I am easy going...there comes a time when I just will not allow any communication that disturbs my peace. All that definitely makes me weary. It is the only way to stay to stay at peace and have REST. Sometimes you just have to put your foot down and say no. So tonight I keep this short so that I may REST. Praise God it is peaceful and far...smiles

Thursday, May 8, 2014


The most wonderful thing about apartment life is also the terrible part about apartment life. I am having so much trouble with the LOVE thy neighbor issue! It is so hard to LOVE your neighbor when she stomps around all day. I have to say she because she stomps the loudest but really, they all stomp. My heart says, past the test so I can move mind tells me otherwise. So not only does this affect the LOVE issue, but also it affects my desire to do what is right...being a light...with wanting to scream...which could allow the enemy to get a toe hold, then eventually a foot hold. On the other hand...I will probably be doing a lot of praying...for my headache and their silence. I will LOVE it when God answers that prayer...smiles

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Its funny to me when people get upset when you don't call them but when you do...they don't even let you talk. Usually with this particular family member...I don't pass the test. Today I will! This is a great way to practice being silent. Before God...we must learn to be silent and LISTEN for His still small voice. Many people do not LISTEN well, me included. Learning to LISTEN is an art form. I tend to zone out even when I appear to LISTEN. This year I am learning to LISTEN with every part of me...not just my ears, but  my eyes, and my mind. When we talk to God...pray...we should also LISTEN for a reply. It may not come right at that moment but it will if we diligently seek Him. Do you need to learn to LISTEN better? Try it the next time you have a conversation with someone.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Today was another beautiful day...a 12 if I must say! I thank God for his protection today as I haphazardly rushed across the street...a 6 lane street...forgetting the 3rd lane...the turning lane...all with the light green. It was red until I started across. Praise God! However that is not my word for the day...smiles. Today's word is all about the Bailey! Bailey has a new HOUSE! He hasn't even seen it yet because he has been out for Bailey Time. I must say Baileys HOUSE overwhelmed me a bit since it is big enough for me to sit in but was cheap. This is my word for the day because I feel like I am truly blessed and that God gave me the desires of my heart in due season. Perhaps, because from the very beginning when I first saw Bailey and didn't get him because I felt God telling me to wait, that everything is falling into place. I used to always get what I wanted, when I wanted it without a thought or care. That was years ago. Now I know God's timing is always best!

Monday, May 5, 2014


Today was one of those hot and sunny days that allowed us to reach the low 90's in some areas and high 80's in others. I could not ask for a more beautiful day! It was perfect in every way! However one of the local news stations that rates the weather 1-11 rated today a 10 because it was hotter than the average for this time of year. It would seem to me that if you are blessed with more than your would be happy...but as humans...we never seem to be satisfied. When we get more, we want less; when its hot, we want cold; when its sunny, we want shade. No matter what our EXPECTATIONS are we are never happy and rate everything higher or lower. This is one of those things that I will never understand about human nature. I feel blessed that after a harsh Winter, God sent us a glimpse of Summer. I rate today a 15! My EXPECTATIONS are high for everyday that God allows me to enjoy my life here on earth before I arrive at my eternal home. Good or not so good, rain or shine, hot or cold...this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


I learned many things today I learned was not to go to bed and start reflecting on NEGATIVE things and past disappointments. Its so easy to do when you are just laying there waiting for sleep to come. Most of the time I pray...but sometimes I just lay there and allow myself to bombarded by thoughts of the past. Bad, very bad idea. If I go to bed focused on everything and everyone that has disappointed me...I will wake up with all that garbage in my spirit and feel defeated before my day even begins. I made a conscious more going to bed and focusing on the NEGATIVE!!!!! When I focus on the goodness of  God and how much He has blessed me...I can't help but wake up feeling victorious! Do you dwell on the NEGATIVE things in your life or have NEGATIVE emotions such as anger, bitterness, revenge, or strife on your mind when you lay down at night? Make a commitment to stop, by praying, and see what wonderful changes God brings into your life! Wake up in victory!

Saturday, May 3, 2014


With God all things are POSSIBLE! I often have to remind myself of that. I was very frustrated waiting for my laptop to cooperate so that I could do the things I needed to accomplish, including type today's post. Did I remember to pray? No...I was so deep in my frustration that it didn't occur to me until everything seemed so impossible and I called out to God, that I remembered with Him everything is POSSIBLE! I am here later than I would have liked but God's timing is always best. All that I need to deal with frustrations and disappointments, and mountains, is all within me. God has given me strength, grace, mercy, patience, etc...for every test and trial...all I have to do it tap into it and all will be well...and it was. As a matter of was better than well...I was blessed not once, not twice, but three times. It pays to pray...I just need to remember everything is POSSIBLE if I only pray and believe and I need to remember to do that first!

Friday, May 2, 2014


I may not pass every TEST I am given but I believe I passed the TEST I was given today with flying colors by God's grace. I even joked that the ultimate TEST would be if I missed my bus...I did...God does have a sense of humor...smiles. I heard a teaching just this morning that said, among other wonderful things, that we should not just study the steps of Jesus, but His stops! That was very thought provoking indeed! No matter how busy Jesus was or how fast He needed to be somewhere...He always stopped to help those along the way who needed Him. Which is exactly what we are supposed to do. Hebrews 13: 2 (NIV) tells us...Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Not only do we need to be obedient to that still small voice prompting us to do the right thing and help someone, but the joy we feel afterwards is very rewarding. the next time you are given a TEST...make sure to pass it...but if you don't the wonderful thing about a God given TEST is that you get a chance to take that TEST over and over and over again...until you do pass it! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Its hard to believe that its MAY already! My One Word Journey has taken me through 1/3 of the year! imagine that! I have made a commitment from the beginning, learned about peace, become more focused, thought about being moody, grateful, learned to forgive, I have added more balance to my life, started relaxing, set goals, faced my disappointments, adopted a wonderful fur-baby, planted spiritual seeds, dealt in Godly way with my noisy upstairs neighbours, gone through football and soccer, completed my 30/30 challenge, traveled spiritual highways, embraced the abundance of rain, I have learned not to look backward, most of all I have learned that I am not on this journey alone...God is walking with me every step of the way. He is there when I struggle and He is there when my days are filled with sunshine! I look forward to MAY...the beginning of the second third of my journey. I pray I continue to grow and learn. I also pray that MAY is all you need it to be and more.