Saturday, May 31, 2014


Often before I go to bed I find myself thinking, "I can't wait to go to sleep and WAKE UP so I can have my cup of coffee." How a wonderful would it be if I went to bed thinking of how I can't wait to wake up and see what God has in store for me today. Who can I help. who can I pray for, what doors will God open, etc. When I WAKE UP I always say a prayer but that is but a small drop in a very large bucket. I will do my very best when I WAKE UP, on the days I am going out, to include a prayer that I may help someone. I have when I am out but I know there is always more that I can do.

This is my very last May post...tomorrow its off to a brand new month...another branch of my one word journey! Lord willing...I will see you all tomorrow!

A cute little reminder to pray when we wake up...smiles

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