Thursday, June 5, 2014


We all know that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Most of the time we (I) may not quite understand that because it seems obvious if I give you a gift then the person on the receiving end should be overjoyed. I have given gifts to people who were unappreciative...that was no fun. I stopped GIVING them gifts...maybe not the correct thing to do but that was long ago before I knew better. The Bible says God loves a cheerful giver, I am not sure what the receiver is supposed to do besides be grateful...smiles. GIVING someone anything when you hear them complain about everything that is given to them is not always easy. If God speaks to us (me) about GIVING then that is what we (I) am to do. GIVING when you have a lot of something is easy, but what if you don't, or worse, what if it is your favorite thing? I don't know if "Give till it hurts" is in the Bible but I have heard it a lot. When we are GIVING to someone who has a need, whether it is monetary, encouragement, a ride to work or the market, even a hug...when we are GIVING someone what they need to add enjoyment to their day, that is when we learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive. The Mother who raised me taught me an important lesson, that as an only child, I consider very important. Simply...Not to be selfish! Today I remember and reflect on that valuable lesson. The pure joy of GIVING has given me much happiness this week. I am sure God is smiling too. 

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