Saturday, August 16, 2014


If I have not learned anything else on my One Word JOURNEY, (which I have learned this and a whole lot more), is to set my mind and keep it set! I am midway through the 8th month of the year! Wow who knew I would still be putting on foot in front of the other. It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes...


There may have been 365 steps when I started my JOURNEY but my JOURNEY began when I took that very first step on January 1, 2014
It would be very easy to kick back and relax...this JOURNEY is over half way completed...but no, that would defeat the purpose of all I have learned. Take nothing for granted...there are still rocks in the road and I really do not want to stumble. My JOURNEY is way too important. If it wasn't God would never have sent me off on my step at a time. Make no mistake though...although some days my JOURNEY is lighthearted and JOURNEY is all about Jesus! This must be a JOURNEY on the narrow path indeed because there are not a lot of people walking in this same direction. Perhaps like me, they are on their own path. The path God chose especially for each of is tailor made. Begin your JOURNEY...all you have to do is take the first step. Whatever your JOURNEY entails God will give you the power, the stamina, and the provision. Stay blessed!

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