Monday, October 20, 2014


October is in the twos...its the 20th already! Amazing how fast time is going. As I am sure someone must have noticed I did not have a post yesterday. Today I will post two. I have not missed a day in a long, long time. My reason? I actually had a weekend for once. Usually my weekends blend in with my week and everyday is about the same. As I have said before, when I make plans I fail to stick with them. I am happy I did this time although I believe my friends tricked me to get me out of the house on a lazy Sunday in the late afternoon. I had FUN! Most of it was FUN anyway...I did not enjoy the time I spent riding in the red BMW convertible sports car much at all. The driver insisted upon speeding from city block to city block. I was happy to take the bus and train friends suggested that...after my prayer that I would not have to end up with all my bones broken after going 90+ miles an hour on the expressway...smiles. I did have FUN seeing the art created with metal dumpsters, the black and white silent movie on the giant screen, the crowd of people walking...2 of which were carrying huge orange balloons. I had FUN seeing the top of the Ferris wheel and the new streetcar tracks and stop shelters. I even had FUN at McDonald's, walking the streets, looking at the tall buildings...which I miss, seeing the person dressed in a costume akin the Michelin Man...with a plain white face, watching people, and eating Chinese food. I had a FUN day indeed! I will have to go again soon because it really was FUN. A Big Thank You to my friends...smiles.

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