Sunday, January 26, 2014


I was talking to a friend this weekend who is a TEACHER and he was saying how he did not want to continue being a TEACHER because he was not being paid well and it was very stressful. I told him that those that chose the profession of TEACHER in America did not get paid that well either. But I also told him that being a TEACHER took dedication to the children. I asked him didn't he feel great about preparing them for life? He said no, please I do not wish to be a TEACHER any more. Being a TEACHER is a great place to start a career that would lead to something else. I will not mention what he wants to be because that is his personal dream and desire. The reason TEACHER is my word for today is because I spent all day learning different things. From the Pastors I listened to this morning, to the entrepreneur in Ghana on Nobex radio, the books I read, and the tutorials I watched on YouTube...each and every one of those things required a TEACHER for me to be able to learn all I did today. Would I want to be a TEACHER?....hmmm not the kind where you need a degree, but I respect them and appreciate them so much. We are all in one way or another... a TEACHER. Today I thank God for everyone who under paid or not has taken on some aspect of being a TEACHER so that the rest of us might learn and grow wiser.

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