Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Today was another one of those days that was great for absolutely no reason at all...except that nothing went wrong which indeed is a very good thing. I am feeling very DISCIPLINED. Its day 14 and I am falling into a routine, not just with my one word journey, but with my life. Sure I have yet to complete every task that I wanted to during my day...after all there are only 24 hours and I do have to get my beauty rest! In the yester-years I would have stayed up half the night completing everything. That was before I found myself becoming DISCIPLINED. This a good feeling...in fact it is great! I keep imagining what life will be like by December 31st if I am so blessed to see it. I keep wondering if I will even know myself. I believe I will because by becoming DISCIPLINED I am ready and more than willing to embrace the new and improved me! I find myself having the most pleasant conversations with people because I am becoming more DISCIPLINED when it comes to accepting who they are, whither they are moody or, loud, or complaining...talk to much...don't talk at all...I am learning to just let them....Be.(comment from yesterday) The dictionary defines DISCIPLINED as showing a controlled form of behavior or a way of working. I am being self-DISCIPLINED because I am learning, with Gods help of course, to control my behavior...my actions...and my reactions. Being DISCIPLINED feels great....its empowering. 

"Man must be disciplined, for he is by nature raw and wild." ~ Immanuel Kant

"Self-discipline is the free man's yoke." ~ John W. Gardner

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