Monday, September 29, 2014


One of the awesome teachings I heard in the past few days was concerning LONELINESS. Any of us who have lived or do live alone have probably felt the heartache of LONELINESS from time to time. But do you know that many people who feel extreme LONELINESS are often surrounded by people? Being lonely in a crowd is an uncomfortable feeling as anyone who has ever gone to a party or event where they didn't know anyone well can tell you. We don't often use the term wallflower any more, but still there are still many who stand on the outside looking in. Often this may be because we don't feel we fit in or we feel inadequate, or we are somewhere that we really shouldn't so we are uncomfortable...but did you know God made each and every one of us unique. How awesome is that! Not only do we each have a distinctly different fingerprint, which is amazing in and of itself, but we have different combinations of DNA, personality traits, habits, etc. I may have my mothers hair and eye color, but I may not share her personality or talents. When we feel LONELINESS creeping  up on us it is easy to fall back on emotions that make us feel like an outsider but God loves and cherishes us just the way we are. The best thing is we are never alone. Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us that God will never leave us nor forsake us. I also thought about what Joyce Meyer said when she stated, "Lonely desperate people do desperate things." I have thought about that before because I know people, and I am sure you all do as well, who are in unhealthy relationships because they just don't want to feel lonely. This is not just opposite sex could be one of your "Girls" or one of your "Boys." I often consider that when the wrong people try to be involved in my life. Not only do we have our Heavenly Father with us always but we also have the ability to become our own best friend. When you are in a season of LONELINESS spend time with God and take the time to get to know yourself better. You can also spend quality time with others who might be experiencing LONELINESS, such as an elderly neighbor or do some volunteer work at a nursing home or hospital. I always try to see my glass half full and not half empty so at least no one is disturbing me with this or that and the only time schedule I my own...smiles. Next time you are tempted to fall into the despair of LONELINESS, stop take a deep breath, go do something you enjoy, talk to God, dance, other words...just redirect those feelings into something positive and remember just because you are don't have to be lonely! Stay blessed and stay well.

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