Monday, September 8, 2014


I was listening to a talk show today and they showed a blended family with 6 children between them. A set of twins were theirs together and the husband had one with his x and the wife had 3 with her x. The children got along fabulously and their only complaint is that they were not always all together. I found that very sad because it reminded of a niece I have who had a jealous mother and took her away and won't allow her contact with her siblings or her father. I am sure there are many more like her. Not all fathers are negligent deadbeats, in fact my brother is an excellent father. As someone who was ESTRANGED from my father and my siblings, I know that resentment can set in. In my case, because I had Jesus in my life, it did not and I praise God for that. But still there is that sense of sadness and always being on the outside looking in. There are so many children ESTRANGED from their brothers, sisters, fathers, or mothers. I was ESTRANGED from all of them. Satan attacks the family unit. If families were to function as God intended...they would be a powerful weapon. After all where two or three are gathered, there He is in the midst of them. Now way too many families are in total dysfunction and it is very sad indeed. My niece, myself, and others like us can never get those precious moments back again. Good or bad...they are gone. I know however that God had a plan and that although the enemy tried to destroy us...God can...has...and will turn it around for our good, if we let Him. All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. Hug your children, let them know how much you love them and let your siblings know how much you love and cherish them. Amen.

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