Friday, February 7, 2014


Did you know that a little bit of KINDNESS goes a long way? When you are in line at the market and feeling impatient with the checkout person because she or he may be taking a bit too you show KINDNESS or get upset, short with them or worse? I have learned to show KINDNESS even in such situations such as impatience, incompetence, or when things just are not going the way I would like. My mother always says you can catch more flies with sugar than you can with vinegar and its true. I look at many people who seem to have either so much sadness, or anger, or bitterness, or other negative things etched in their faces and I often wonder why is that. Often when you show them KINDNESS their faces do not change at all, but now and again they do and you find out they are actually someone nice to talk to. A compliment can go a long way. If people treated each other with KINDNESS and respect...there would be far less problems in this world. Share some KINDNESS today...make it part of your day.

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