Monday, June 30, 2014


Wow June is all but gone! It passed by very quickly, at least so it seems. Because of the World Cup it was an exciting MONTH. I have enjoyed it although I rarely left the house and when I did I rushed back before 2 minutes passed in the 1st match. I even worked afternoons and late evenings. Now there are less than 354 more days until my birthday and there will be only 5 months until the end of my 365 Word Journey! June is my favorite MONTH and now I have to bid it ado. I am happy that I was, by God's grace, to make it not only through the MONTH of June...but I have also hit a milestone. I have completed the first six months of my One Word Journey! I can not wait to see what God has in store for me the next six months. I know it may not be easy, but I know it will be good. Let the journey continue....

Sunday, June 29, 2014


How is it possible to hear God's Word on Sunday morning, feel so encouraged, and by Sunday afternoon feel so discouraged and have a major case of the BLAH'S? I am not sure but I fought it all the rest of the day. I believe I am over tired yet again. I did so much yesterday and felt great. Today I was too tired to do much of anything. Tomorrow I will do better! I learned too much today to let the enemy steal any progress I am making. Morning is a fresh new day. The BLAH'S are banned. Good night all and have a wonderful new week! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014


Instead of Win, Lose, or Draw we have stepped into the realm of Win...Lose...or Shootout. Of course I am talking about the World Cup which has now reached the KNOCKOUT stage. In this life we are also stepping into the realm of the KNOCKOUT stage.We have an enemy who is seeking whom he may devour. We have reached the KNOCKOUT stage. It is time to stand up to the devil. I am learning all that I can because time is winding down. The signs and wonders are there and the handwriting is on the wall. It is time to stand up and know who I am in Christ, the righteousness of God! No wimping out. My One Word Journey is a learning process that is strengthening me. It is definitely not the time to Tap Out!

Friday, June 27, 2014


A few days ago while walking down the isle in my local Walmart, I spotted a small piece of REMNANT fabric that was so beautiful. I picked it up and examined it. It was such a tiny piece but was wrapped with a sticky label with no measurements listed. I almost put it back on the pile, but then I thought even if I couldn't use it for anything, it was so pretty, I could just look at it. It was giraffe print, soft, and it looked like suede but it wasn't. Even now I could not even visualize not one other piece of fabric stacked on that REMNANT shelf. That one caught my eye and spoke to my heart even as I was passing by not even looking at anything. I remember saying thank you Lord and smiling. It felt like a gift, put there just for me. When I arrived at home and opened the REMNANT up it was a a perfect square. I laid it aside until today when I found the perfect use for it. I used it to cover my plant pedestals I had made. It covered not one, not two, but three of them! They are beautiful! I am so grateful for my 97 cent REMNANT that God blessed me with that brought me so much joy.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Sometimes I find myself looking AHEAD and visualizing the end of my 365 Word Journey. December is way AHEAD of me in the future but just a glimpse would be nice. I don't want to end up with a bunch of head knowledge or spiritual growth but not really being any different afterwards. I feel I have changed a lot in just this first six months. 2013 is way, way, way back in my rear view mirror.
Philippians 3:13 says, Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining what is AHEAD. (NIV) I too am straining AHEAD and pushing toward the end of my journey which I already know will just be a new beginning. I can't wait...smiles. Stay blessed my brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


SPEAKING right does lead to right believing. I am learning that. When I began exercising again I had to tell myself out loud how much I loved exercise. SPEAKING out loud changed me from doing it begrudgingly, or worse, not at all, to actually loving it. Sometimes when I wake up I can barely walk...but that's okay...smiles. I actually used this declaration of SPEAKING out loud to get me through my math class at university. It was my Mother's idea. She told me to stop saying, "I hate math!" A semester before I had to take the class, I kept SPEAKING out loud how much I enjoyed math! I ended up with a B in the class! I had purposely skipped my placement exam thinking I would just get dropped into an easy class. Of course I didn't, but I am happy for that now because I proved to myself I could get through it. Going to the market has been extremely stressful as I may have mentioned before. Today when I felt myself faltering I began SPEAKING out loud and declaring that one day again, I will be able to walk in a buy whatever food I desire in Jesus Name Amen! Begin SPEAKING out loud to yourself. SPEAKING God's word brings His promises into our lives!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


One day last week as I was reaching for my pain medication at the set time, when I heard a still small voice that asked me, "How do you know you need that?" Hmmm...technically I didn't know but religiously almost daily I reached for a over the counter pain pill at precisely 4.15 pm. Although, in the last month I was getting later and later on the time. That day I did not take the pill and I had no pain at all that night nor the following few after that! Before if I even forgot to take the medicine I would be in excruciating pain and would not be able to ease it enough to even sleep. I would eventually just drop off from exhaustion in the wee hours of the morning. When exactly I received my healing for my back that I was praying for, I don't know. I do know it was sometime in the past couple weeks. I praise God that my faith made me whole. I have renewed hope of the other health issues being healed as well! 

Monday, June 23, 2014


Sometimes it disturbs me how MATERIALISTIC people are. I am not to be judgmental therefore I often have to pray when I am faced with situations I can't avoid and I don't want to say anything that might be confrontational. What makes some so compassionate for others and others so selfish and full of greed? Maybe in countries where we are bombarded with store ads on television and in our mailboxes, we can't help but be somewhat MATERIALISTIC. In essence, we are our stuff! Having lost everything except a few small items in a backpack and the clothes on my back, I came to learn the hard way..."stuff" can vanish in an instant. In less than a millisecond it can be gone. I don't know if I was MATERIALISTIC then or not...after all I had walked away from most of my "stuff" willingly. I took only what I treasured to my new place. When I lost it all, perhaps it was a test just to see if I was MATERIALISTIC or not. If it was a test, by God's grace, I passed. He restored everything and then some. About a year after I had lost everything, God even gave me opportunities to purchase many of the things again. I would find them in the most uncanny places, placed, so it seemed anyway, just for me to find them. Except for a book, the one I wrote about in a past blog, I did not purchase any of those things. I don't even know why I made that choice, but in doing that, God blessed me over and above what I ever had to begin with. He gave me double for my trouble! Was it easy? I can't say that the wait was easy. I had to take the less traveled road to my blessing. Was it worth it? You bet it was! When I encounter people who are MATERIALISTIC what I think about is those who don't have shoes, much less 40-50 pairs. Or have one or two changes of clothing that they have to wash them by hand outside, or sit on the ground or have one plastic chair, while others change clothing and furniture in a whole room every time they see a new style or color they like better. I feel sad for MATERIALISTIC people really. They don't know the joy of being a steward of the things God gives to us or allows us to have. In conversations with those less fortunate they don't know how to be sensitive to their lack. Everything we go through, God has a purpose and will use it for our good and to help others. I am grateful for the things I have gone through. Now I am a better person for those struggles.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Football has been making me happy although sometimes having watched 31 a bit tiring but at least I am getting my exercise in. I am very excited that the American team ended up in a DRAW with Portugal. Portugal has a very good team so a DRAW is wonderful. Tonight was a time of rest for me so I am keeping this short. Have a wonderful and blessed new week.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Today was the first day of SUMMER! How great can that be! I love SUMMER...sure its hot but hey the sunshine and SUMMER festivities are in full bloom at this time of year. I am not even sure exactly why I have always loved SUMMER so much...for the past few years it is not that much different for me than the other seasons. SUMMER has a color and its yellow...which is my favorite color of all. SUMMER is a happy color. I have made a list of SUMMER. Time will tell...I am not always the best with lists. God help me to do the things I need to accomplish. 

Friday, June 20, 2014


Today was one of those days when I didn't know what I was feeling or why I was feeling that way. Maybe I was tired or didn't eat enough, that can affect my mood, except my mood wasn't just wasn't good either. More like I had taken a sleep aide and instead of sleeping, I looked at a wall all day. You get my point I am sure. I was in a daze and feeling blahhh. I may have over did my exercising today, but whatever it was I wanted to ditch it. When I need a pick me up my go-to source of fun is being CREATIVE. Being CREATIVE frees my mind and gives me peace. So does working with my plants so I decided on a whim to combine the two once again. I already made plant pots from anything I could recycle and as they grew I elevated them on pedestals I made from recycled cardboard cans. I had never painted them which was my original intention. Today was a great day just to jump in and begin. The only problem is when I am in a CREATIVE mood, I can't seem to stop. I painted a picture on two of them and then used some CREATIVE paint patterns on three others. I have several to do but that was a enough to put a smile on my face for the whole afternoon and evening.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Tuesday I had some pressing things on my mind. Things that could be life altering...things that ordinarily would make me WORRY. Not WORRY really...I wanted to jump into panic mode actually. I always tell people why WORRY when you can pray and then I agree with them in prayer to have their needs met. Of course for yourself it is always a bit more complicated than that. Because I want to pass this test...I decided to exhale and then ask God to help me in this area as well and step into the situation. I learned a valuable lesson today. I learned to listen to the Holy Spirit and move when I should...timing is often of the essence. I also learned when things are written in stone (paper in this case), God can step in an make that stone disappear and "write" on it what He wants. I am grateful that He changed what would ordinarily have been panic, into praise. 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Today is my BIRTHDAY and I am happy it was on my favorite day of the week, Wednesday! I praise God for another year and for all the family and friends who wished me well. I am thankful for another year when daily we hear and read about those who passed away. I am grateful for the friends who are like family when family acts like strangers you pass by silently on the street. They say you never miss what you never had, but I am not so sure about that. God puts people in our lives who fill the gaps where family is not there. I am eternally grateful for them. I pray God will bless them beyond measure. They don't even know how they have filled in the empty spaces in my life. God is so good to me. Our Lord and Savior is there to fill all the spaces where there is not a father, or a mother, or a sister, or a brother...all we have to do is let Him. I praise God for another year in advance that I will see by His grace and mercy. As I continue on my 365 Word Journey I can't wait to see what is over the next horizon. Stay blessed!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Well I have come to the level, new devil. I know I should never get comfortable in one spot because as soon as I do, here comes those fiery darts. I do not wish to keep taking my tests over and over again so I intend to do my very best to pass it. My dependence on God's kingdom and not the worlds is being put to the test. I have to keep believing all will be well. A CROSSROAD is just that...a CROSSROAD. How ironic that it comes mid-month of my sixth month of my 365 Word Journey. I am sure there is a divine reason for that. Its almost time to cross over on the walk the walk and not just talk the talk. I am a work in progress, but I am ready. God give me the grace.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Yesterday while watching my 10th football match of the Fifa World Cup, I came to the conclusion if I am going to spend 30 days on my butt watching the World Cup and forgoing, so far anyway, every outdoor activity, I had better do something while I am watching it. I have been putting off my workouts for awhile now and my idea was just what I incentive...smiles. I will spare you the details but during each and every match which is at least 3 times a day I have a certain series of EXERCISE(s) I must complete. They all add up to 600 and multiply that by 3 and that turns out to be a lot of EXERCISE! My 365 Word Journey is, as I have mentioned in the past, all about Spirit, Mind, and Body. Being that I am a bit behind, I will consider this "stoppage time," and catch it up at the end...smiles...yes I thought of that all by myself! I have begun to tell myself out loud how much I love EXERCISE...sure I don't yet...but I will way before December 31st I am certain. June so far is turning out to be like the 10k of a 26k marathon...easy going but I am sure there is another hill over that horizon somewhere...smiles.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Today is Fathers Day! Happy Father's Day to all of those who are father's. We always pay homage to those who are Mother's but when you are a FATHER you are often kept on the back burner. It has been proven that Father's are equally as important as mother's. I never met my FATHER but that wasn't his fault. He never knew about me and I know very little about him. My adoptive FATHER was wonderful, but he died when I was 12. My step FATHER (my birth mother's husband) was the FATHER I know and remember best. He wasn't perfect, none of us are, but he never did or said anything wrong after I came to know him. He opened his heart to having another child. He accepted me as his own. Sadly he also passed away a few years ago. I look at my glass half full...I was blessed not to have one FATHER but gave me life, one gave me love, and the last one gave me a relationship with a FATHER as an adult. God bless all of you who have a FATHER still in your life but if, for whatever reason he isn't remember the legacy of life, love, laughter, and advice that he left you. If you have never known your FATHER, remember your Heavenly FATHER who loves you unconditionally. He loves you so much, He knew you before you were born, He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knows your struggles, your pain and hurts, and your greatest triumphs. Your Heavenly FATHER will never leave you nor forsake you. As you enjoy your Father's Day with your FATHER or as a FATHER remember God is the ultimate FATHER of all of us.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I realized just now that I have been binge watching football (soccer) for the past 8.5 hours with almost 2 hours to go...sigh. Thank God there are only 3 matches tomorrow and not 4...smiles. I did however use the TIME to do almost all my cleaning. I rarely just sit and stare at the television even when I am watching a program so this was a great opportunity to use my TIME wisely. I even managed to do some reading...between matches. I cooked dinner, not once, but twice...the first time was a bit early for me and I thought I would be hungry later but wasn't. I feel great that I took the TIME to accomplish a few tasks that ordinarily bleed into the new week. Even though I still have a few small things left to do, I will be starting out the new week afresh. That's a very good feeling...smiles.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Today is Friday the 13th, a day that many people can not even leave the house for fear that something bad will happen. I have never been SUPERSTITIOUS when the 13th lands on a Friday. I really didn't pay it any attention, to put the two together, until I saw it on the news. I do recall many years ago when I would purchase a certain Horoscope magazine that I do not even recall the name of now. Although I did not believe in such things, this one was very intriguing. I continued to purchase it for several months after that and after a while I would read it before I even got out of bed. That's how the devil is sometimes...he is subtle but cunning. He will take something you wouldn't normally get caught up in and make it look enticing and seduce you into thinking its okay when its not. God began dealing with me to put it down and stop buying them and believe me I tried. Somehow it seemed that I had become addicted to this 11 x 9 inch magazine that only had a few pages for each of the zodiac signs. One day I went to purchase the magazine for the next month and it wasn't there, in fact it wasn't anywhere. At first I will admit I was frantic! That month God delivered me from not being able to get out of bed and live the life He intended for me live. I was young but even then I sensed it probably wasn't a good idea to get so wrapped up it things of that nature. So maybe, like me you could care less when the 13th falls on a Friday...just beware that there could be many other things that we could be SUPERSTITIOUS about that do not give glory to God.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Not only is June my favorite month...but this June is my favorite "Leap Year." Every 4 years I am really excited when it is once again time for football (SOCCER) and the world comes together again for the Fifa World Cup!!! I love the FWC as much if not more than the Olympics. I am looking forward to the day when SOCCER is played so much in this country that we have a chance to win the WC. Will that happen in my lifetime? Who knows, but I can sure hope and dream. Having played SOCCER in senior high school, I fell in love with this sport. Back then we only played for exercise, much the same as we did softball. Now children are experiencing the joy of SOCCER teams at a very young age. Thanks to the Atlanta Falcons getting a brand new stadium, Atlanta will have its very own pro SOCCER team by 2018. I am hoping one day we will be able to host the WC! What a joy that would be! In the meantime, I almost feel like going to a sports bar just to be around other SOCCER fans and Fan-addicts smiles. This is the time I really appreciate Univision, because American programmers shove SOCCER to  cable TV and don't care if everyone doesn't have it.Perhaps in 4 years I will get it just for the WC and then ditch it lol. I don't watch much TV but with cable you tend to zone. Personally I would rather not stare at the TV all day. If you are watching the WC and keeping track of the Groups, enjoy...I know I will. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I don't know about your life, but sometimes mine seems to have a BOOMERANG effect. Every time I get rid of the things that don't belong there, they act like a BOOMERANG and back many of those things come. What the Bible calls going around the same mountain again and again. Which means that although my life appears to be experiencing a BOOMERANG effect, it is me going around the same mountains and letting those same issues and people effect me to the point that I am looping. Since I wrote the draft to this post which was yesterday...I found out more about the BOOMERANG effect that I am now experiencing. In the book I am reading by Joyce Meyer, "Battlefield of the Mind," this is called "Mind-Binding Spirits." I am just beginning that chapter so I do not know much about it yet...but I will...smiles.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Faith and DILIGENCE go hand in hand. Hebrews 11:6 says...he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (KJV) In order to comprehend this scripture I had to find out what DILIGENCE really means. I often know the meaning of a word but sometimes you need to look it up so you really understand the meaning. DILIGENCE means careful and persistent work or effort. Some of the synonyms of DILIGENCE are hard work, application, concentration, effort, care, perseverance, tenacity, dedication, commitment, and tirelessness. Let's face the facts, DILIGENCE is not at all easy, however, there is a reward for our DILIGENCE. I can do this!

Monday, June 9, 2014


Years ago I had a book called "Black Pearls," one of three books that were very important to me that disappeared. I knew where this one met its demise but the other two one day simply vanished. Throughout the years many things have vanished some of which was packed up with children when they moved to places of their own when they became adults. Like my mother did, many things are only revealed once you're grown. "Black Pearls" for whatever reason was very special to me although I had never actually read it like way too many of the new books I now own. I kept having a flashback of my book sitting on my dresser and thinking I had purchased the book again a few short years ago. I dismissed it however since the book was nowhere to be found...until yesterday when it miraculously appeared. When I repurchased the book, I have no clue but there it was in a not so visible place on the bookshelf. I was so overjoyed that I carried the book with me yesterday without even opening it. Then last night I read the introduction and the first page before realizing it said January 1 at the bottom. Yes I knew there were 365 Daily Meditations and Affirmations, I just never considered they might be in chronological order....smiles. January 1 was what I need was about FAITH. I have a lot of FAITH to believe but it seems to waver on the have FAITH enough to keep on believing aspect. I am working on that and plenty of situations lately that require the ultimate test of my FAITH. This is what I read...I can identify with it and so may many of you as well...

I've had so many downs that I knew the law of averages would be in my favor one day.
~Doug Williams

Wow did that hit home for me. That is precisely how I was feeling last night. Hebrews 11:1 says FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV) Within me are the seeds that God has given of which is FAITH. I will water (study) my seeds of FAITH so they will grow and be hearty in every situation.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


All day I have had a full range of emotions...mostly NEGATIVE. Instead of focusing on the NEGATIVE, I choose to focus on the positive. When we focus on the NEGATIVE aspects of our lives we draw in more NEGATIVE events, emotions...trouble. When we choose to focus on the positive and declare Gods promises...then positive things are drawn into our lives by faith. I may shed a tear or two but joy comes in the morning when I let go of NEGATIVE thoughts and emotions. 

Did you know there was NEGATIVE/positive art?

Embracing the NEGATIVE

Saturday, June 7, 2014


The Belmont Stakes was run today and many people including me, favored CALIFORNIA CHROME to win. We of course were disappointed about CALIFORNIA CHROME finishing 4th and not taking the Triple Crown. It may seem a bit odd to use a horse for the focus of my One Word Journey today but, indeed its not! We all love an "Under Dog" story. After all the Bible says the 1st shall be last and the last shall be 1st (Matthew 20:16), which of course, has not one thing to do with horse racing. Like me, I believe most people were not thinking about the money involved. I don't make bets. We wanted a Cinderella Story...we wanted CALIFORNIA CHROME to go down in history as the little horse that could...that almost nobody believed in. Sure, CALIFORNIA CHROME didn't win the Belmont Stakes but I believe he still has a great story. He did what many of the upper echelon horses could not achieve...he won 2/3 of a magnificent series of races. In my opinion...that "ain't" half bad! Although we may not finish first in every race we run in this life...our Heavenly Father still sees those who are called by His name as champions! The point is  to give it our all, if we stubble and fall, get up...if we stray off the narrow path, with God's help...find it the Bible says...keep pressing...or like my Pastor used to say way back in the day..."keep on keeping on!" Like CALIFORNIA CHROME, we all have the heart of a champion inside of us when we are born again. Keep on believing that and 2/3 of your battle is won. Like Joyce Meyer says, "You may not have had a great start, but you can have a great finish!"


(6.6.2014 posted @12 midnight)

Learning to think DIFFERENTLY is challenging. My mind is full of knowledge since I began my One Word Journey, but to live by that knowledge takes work. For mean the act of thinking DIFFERENTLY means I need to live by what I know and not what I feel. My emotions have basically ruled me for the past few years. No More!!!! I am going to learn to think DIFFERENTLY, with God's help. It is my prayer. At the end of my 365 Word Journey, I won't by any means be perfect and that's okay because as Joyce says..."I'm Okay And I'm On My Way!" I am so much better at thinking DIFFERENTLY in the daytime but at night time I find myself wondering where did all my gusto go? I really am going to use Post It Notes or make my own little encouragement cards. I will get six months...or less...I will look at life DIFFERENTLY and I will think DIFFERENTLY, and I will feel DIFFERENTLY about a lot of things. Do you think you should be thinking DIFFERENTLY?

Thursday, June 5, 2014


We all know that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Most of the time we (I) may not quite understand that because it seems obvious if I give you a gift then the person on the receiving end should be overjoyed. I have given gifts to people who were unappreciative...that was no fun. I stopped GIVING them gifts...maybe not the correct thing to do but that was long ago before I knew better. The Bible says God loves a cheerful giver, I am not sure what the receiver is supposed to do besides be grateful...smiles. GIVING someone anything when you hear them complain about everything that is given to them is not always easy. If God speaks to us (me) about GIVING then that is what we (I) am to do. GIVING when you have a lot of something is easy, but what if you don't, or worse, what if it is your favorite thing? I don't know if "Give till it hurts" is in the Bible but I have heard it a lot. When we are GIVING to someone who has a need, whether it is monetary, encouragement, a ride to work or the market, even a hug...when we are GIVING someone what they need to add enjoyment to their day, that is when we learn that it is more blessed to give than to receive. The Mother who raised me taught me an important lesson, that as an only child, I consider very important. Simply...Not to be selfish! Today I remember and reflect on that valuable lesson. The pure joy of GIVING has given me much happiness this week. I am sure God is smiling too. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


This morning, watching Joyce Meyer, I learned a lot about IDLE words. I had heard this teaching before and being that it is Viewers Choice Week, I guess I wasn't the only one who needed to hear it again. I am reading "Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits," I am of course stuck in the 1st few pages because there is a lot to think about. One thing about the books written by Joyce Meyer...they all require action! One of the chapters (I don't know which one because I have not read that far yet) is the habit of thinking right and speaking right. Proverbs 18:20-21 says (20) From the fruit of their mouth a person's stomach is filled; (21) The tongue has the power of life and death. (NIV) Our IDLE words can not only cut others like a two edged sword, but we can also cripple ourselves and undermine our own prayers. I am learning to speak what I know...what God's word says...and not what I feel. In any given day I may feel a hundred different emotions. I also do not have to let what comes into my head, come out of my mouth. JM Ministries showed a hypothetical reenactment after the teaching that showed a mother interacting with her sons, her husband, and everyday life. She was becoming very overwhelmed as we often do. her solution was to put Post It Notes with scriptures and correct words on them. Like her, i might have needed an amazing amount of Post Its so I began making a list. Beware of your IDLE words, begin with those you speak to and about yourself. If no one encourages you, encourage yourself and life yourself up! This is what the word calls "The Power Of Positive Thinking." Ripped straight out of the Bible...this is Godly Thinking!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Today was a wonderful day! I met the most amazing BIRD today...yes B.I.R.D. A lady who works at Pet Supermarket had a BIRD on her shoulder. None of the usual associates were in and unfortunately my store is not her regular location...awww...too bad because Togo (?) was a highly trained little BIRD. Turns out he goes everywhere with his "mum," even to work. He had a command so that I could pet him (he crouches down in mums hand) and a command when he can get up and go back to mums shoulder, and even one to turn around and face front! God cares for the sparrows (Matthew 10:31). Yes God cares for something even as small as a BIRD (and smaller creatures as well) but how much more He cares for us. We are the apple of Gods eye! I met many people who were special today as well. It is great to know that the world does still have "Goodness" in it. When we watch the news it seems all doom and gloom. A beautiful lesson learned by the cutest BIRD...what a blessing! Today was a wonderful day!


Monday, June 2, 2014


What a wonderful day this 2nd day of June is! The weather report predicted cloudy to mostly cloudy for today. I have had pure sunshine since mid morning! Sunshine makes me HAPPY, although due to the severe drought conditions and fires out west and in Alaska, I am also embracing the rain. I always say it doesn't take much to make me HAPPY and it doesn't. However clinical depression has nothing to do with being HAPPY. I am reading the most wonderful little book called "365 Ways To Live HAPPY...Simple Ways To Find Joy Every Day." I have had it 3-4 years and never have read beyond the first couple pages, still I count this little book as one of my favs and I do intend to read it cover to cover eventually. Its one of those books you have to ponder on as you are reading and go back a page or two and ponder some more. The joy of the Lord is my strength...I just need the HAPPY look that's on my face to work its way inside just a bit more. I am working on that during this 365 word journey. June is a month I always work extra hard on being HAPPY. Doesn't always work, but each year at least I have renewed hope...smiles. Actually in June I work hard to have fun and that is what doesn't always work out, and so I am not HAPPY about that. This month I am cultivating HAPPY seeds and I expecting a great harvest in the next 212 days...smiles :- ) :- ) ;- )

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Wow can you image that it is JUNE already? First of all I give thanks to God that I am even alive to see it! Seems so many people are not. Everyday is a blessing! The "experts" say that it takes between 21-28 days to form a new habit or get rid of an old one. Well its JUNE so I am way over the hump! Smiles. I am persevering, I am steadfast, best of all I am learning so much! June brings new words, new adventures, and new blessings on my one word journey. JUNE 1st is 152 days into the year...not quite the halfway point of the year but it is by calendar month. Here we go off into JUNE on another leg of this journey...stay blessed and I hope that you will continue with me for the remaining 213 days.

Did I mention JUNE is my favorite month?
~wink wink~