Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I have always been interested in the FRUITS of the spirit. There is a great deal about FRUITS in the Bible. Matthew 7:18 says A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. This verse is repeated almost identical in Luke 6:43. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Verse 44 A goes on to say For every tree is known by his own fruit. I want to be known for my FRUITS and the FRUITS of the spirit are the most important FRUITS we can bare. The FRUITS of the spirit are listed in Galatians 5:22-23 they are as follows, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance. In layman's terms...Love, Peace, Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfullness, Joy, Kindness, Patience, and Self Control. The hardest fruit to bare for most of us is probably Self Control. That is where walking in the spirit comes in. I try to always focus on that walk. Like everyone else, I am far from perfect...I am a work in progress. We all are until Jesus returns. I pray for your great success as well as my own and that we shall all bare good FRUITS...in Jesus Name Amen.

Monday, September 29, 2014


One of the awesome teachings I heard in the past few days was concerning LONELINESS. Any of us who have lived or do live alone have probably felt the heartache of LONELINESS from time to time. But do you know that many people who feel extreme LONELINESS are often surrounded by people? Being lonely in a crowd is an uncomfortable feeling as anyone who has ever gone to a party or event where they didn't know anyone well can tell you. We don't often use the term wallflower any more, but still there are still many who stand on the outside looking in. Often this may be because we don't feel we fit in or we feel inadequate, or we are somewhere that we really shouldn't so we are uncomfortable...but did you know God made each and every one of us unique. How awesome is that! Not only do we each have a distinctly different fingerprint, which is amazing in and of itself, but we have different combinations of DNA, personality traits, habits, etc. I may have my mothers hair and eye color, but I may not share her personality or talents. When we feel LONELINESS creeping  up on us it is easy to fall back on emotions that make us feel like an outsider but God loves and cherishes us just the way we are. The best thing is we are never alone. Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us that God will never leave us nor forsake us. I also thought about what Joyce Meyer said when she stated, "Lonely desperate people do desperate things." I have thought about that before because I know people, and I am sure you all do as well, who are in unhealthy relationships because they just don't want to feel lonely. This is not just opposite sex relationships...it could be one of your "Girls" or one of your "Boys." I often consider that when the wrong people try to be involved in my life. Not only do we have our Heavenly Father with us always but we also have the ability to become our own best friend. When you are in a season of LONELINESS spend time with God and take the time to get to know yourself better. You can also spend quality time with others who might be experiencing LONELINESS, such as an elderly neighbor or do some volunteer work at a nursing home or hospital. I always try to see my glass half full and not half empty so at least no one is disturbing me with this or that and the only time schedule I have...is my own...smiles. Next time you are tempted to fall into the despair of LONELINESS, stop take a deep breath, go do something you enjoy, talk to God, dance, read...in other words...just redirect those feelings into something positive and remember just because you are alone...you don't have to be lonely! Stay blessed and stay well.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that these are the last few days of September. Although October is still technically Fall...I always remember it as the onset of very cool weather. Okay cool to me can mean 70-75. Once your blood thins you feel the cool weather differently. When it is mid to high 70's here, people start wearing Winter clothing, boots, heavy jackets and hoodies, sweaters, the whole nine yards. I am not quite that bad yet...mainly because as much as I love being hot...I don't enjoy being all bundled up. The first year I was here I didn't wear a coat until January...now when October comes I always find myself wondering if I should actually buy a Winter coat. The one I had has a broken zipper and I haven't replaced it in years. Another thought on my mind is my 365 Word Journey is winding down. In the beginning I was not certain I would make it one week much less 9 months. God gave me STAMINA, PERSEVERANCE, and a great desire to keep PRESSING ON. Sometimes the best way around a mountain is through. Just because something is challenging doesn't mean we should give up. I heard some amazing teachings this weekend which I will share with you in the coming week. Have a happy and blessed new week and keep PRESSING ON!

Saturday, September 27, 2014


My first inclination tonight was to give in to the laptop issues I was encountering and just give up on writing. In my spirit however, I felt to push on. I did and God gave me what I needed. I just watched the Prime Minister of India commit to making sure every citizen of India has a toilet by 2019. Did they just say a toilet? I will admit I was a bit taken aback. I mean I am fully aware of poverty around the world. I just never thought about the lack of something so basic as a toilet. Even where there is no running water available I somehow envisioned bathrooms with toilets...primitive perhaps...but there. Like the Prime Minister said (paraphrased), we sometimes forget how BLESSED we are. I try to focus on what I have and not what I don't have. When we look at life through the eyes of others instead of our own, we will see how BLESSED we truly are. Our children complain about going to school, but many children don't have that privilege. In America, we are BLESSED to at least have 12 years of learning. Looking into the eyes of children, teens, and adults who have no hope is heart wrenching. People with great ideas and knowledge with no way to express it. I know amazing artists that don't have paper or pencils, much less canvas and paint. I know of others who may or may not have one meal each day. I know still others who would have loved to finish school, or even had the chance to attend at all. There are footballers, scholars, teachers, scientists, doctors, pastors, and even prime ministers and presidents behind those empty eyes that lack hope. Indeed we are BLESSED. We are our brothers keeper. No matter how insignificant we may feel handing a dollar to someone who needs it, or partnering with a ministry that gives globally, or giving encouragement to someone who needs it desperately...we can all do something. Stay BLESSED...but...pass it on.

See what we can do together----->globalcitizen.org

Friday, September 26, 2014


Talk about healthy! The Lord blessed me with a great report when my blood work came back. God is so good. Everything came back good to perfect! It wasn't that I was worried...the fact was I had not given it another thought. I thought I was just getting my thyroid levels checked. I even got my flu shot today. Early for once. Last year I didn't get one at all, but when I do its always at the tip end of flu season. This year I am prepared! There are many scriptures in the Bible concerning health. Many refer to healing, but God never intended us to fall ill. Adam and Eve changed all that of course. Most of us would like be like Job, after he was healed, his health was restored and he felt young again. 
(Job 33:25); (Psalm 23:3) The Bible says I was (we are) FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made. (Psalm 139:14) I don't know about you...but I want to stay that way or at least repair what's not by Gods grace. Above all keep your soul in good health. 
(3 John 2 CEV) This is my foremost goal. Now if I could just get a few more workouts in...smiles.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Today has not been the best day for me. I believe the enemy is using my neighbors to disturb my sleep. Far fetched? I think not. There is an enemy and he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10) Of course when I am extremely tired nothing seems to go well. The laptop has been so bad the past 2 days adding to my discomfort. I am trying not to give into any stress promoting EMOTIONS. I am not focusing on the negative aspects of today though. I am learning new things and working through the EMOTIONS I was feeling. One thing I have learned in life...there is always someone worse off than me. EMOTIONS can be a good thing, but often we let them cripple us. I will not...I am stronger than that...God gave me (all of us) self control. I just have to lean on Him. God may not change my neighbors, but I know He can change me so that I will be able to sleep in spite of all their noise. I pray tonight I will...in Jesus Name Amen.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I must say today was a perfect day! Plenty of sunshine, big fluffy clouds, bright blue skies, and a light breeze. If this is Fall...I am lovin' it! 

Did you ever decide to fall off the HEALTH wagon just for a day...on purpose? That was me today. I think it was not to be however, because everything I wanted was not on the available! How unfair is that? Lol. I said okay Lord, if you don't want me to have it, I won't. Not that God dictates what we eat or don't eat all the time, but if you are like me, it will snowball. I tend to get stuck on certain foods once I eat them once and will continue until I am sick of that food. A slice of cake just might trigger that. God certainly knows me better than I know myself. One area of focus during my 365 Word Journey, besides my spiritual HEALTH, was to pay more attention to my physical HEALTH. I believe that Spiritual, Physical, and Mental HEALTH all work together as one and when they are off kilter we get out of sync, especially spiritually and it begins to affect our total HEALTH and well-being. There was a time, a couple years ago, when I was either missed making appointments or I was canceling them. That is long since a thing of the past. Even my physician noticed last year before she left. Now I am considering making optometrist and dentist appointments. I will also look into finding a better physician since my replacement one doesn't do a thing but fill my prescriptions. That means that particular office only cares about the copay. Take care of your HEALTH, its all we have. I believe God expects us to use self control and make healthy choices. Don't wait until January to do something about your HEALTH start today. May God bless you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Last night 10.29 pm came and went without me giving it a second thought. I got up this morning and the farthest thing from my mind was thinking about it being the first full day of Fall. The bun is back in his house and I accomplished a lot of things I had put off because the bun was running around. His misbehaving is what got him caught in the end. His adventure was much that of a back-slidden believer. Bailey thought he was going to have more fun outside of his house...his comfort zone...so he avoided me. He wouldn't come near me because he knew I was going to try and convince him to return. He was out for 3 days and instead of enjoying it to the max, he didn't appear happy at all. He would occasionally peek through the gate toward the area he was supposed to be in...probably, at least in my mind, thinking how much more comforting and comfortable his house was than just laying on the floor and being alone all night long in the silence (since we sleep with a rain forest Cd playing). Now he is safe and relaxing in his house and is calm and peaceful. If you stick your toes out in the world, soon it will be your legs and you will find yourself walking into sin and often into trouble. Like Bailey it was that trouble that will get you caught and then you find yourself wanting to be back in a safe haven...in the human sense...Gods welcoming arms. I know you are wondering, "Where is her inspirational or encouraging word for today?" If I had to choose I would say...DON'T STRAY AWAY." If you did, quickly return. God never leaves us...when we feel far away from Him...it is because we strayed away. Find your way back...He is right there waiting. Stay blessed!

This was not my word today but a word for someone else...I pray it helped you.

Monday, September 22, 2014


This is the day that the Lord has made...I will rejoice and be glad in it! However...smiles...I am not happy about SUMMER ending...sigh. There is a season for everything and so it is with the SUMMER season. Every year I go through feelings of melancholy but this year things are supposed to be different so I need to banish those feelings before they take hold too deeply. Part of the issue was yesterday morning I realized that although I love SUMMER...I did not do one thing to enjoy it, unless going to Ikea 2 times counts (and it does...love love love Ikea). I did the same thing I do every season...not much...okay make that nothing lol. Next year, if I am blessed to still be here...I will work on that...in fact I will start way before next year so that by January I will be settled in and it will be a routine. Anyway feeling down about SUMMER leaving is sure not going to stop it from happening. So tomorrow morning I will wake up  (Lord willing) and get up and enjoy the wonderful blessings of life and be exceedingly glad that the Lord allowed me to see not only another day...but a brand new season. All things must pass away and all things become new! More on that with the onset of the Winter season...which is a whole "nother" issue with me entirely....smiles. Happy and blessed new week and I pray you enjoyed the last weekend of SUMMER.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Wow! Today has been a bit of a roller coaster ride. It never fails to amaze me when I hear teachings on the very thing I wrote about the day before. God is awesome! Joel Osteen purposed a question today..."How much have you GROWN (spiritually) in the last 5 years?"  In many ways I have GROWN so much, especially in the past 10 months, and in other ways I have not GROWN much at all. I am indeed a work in progress. God is faithful to finish the work He has begun (Philippians 1:6) and I know He will finish the work He has begun in me. I am sure I will have GROWN even more in the next 3 months. That is a good thing. Just as we can not stay "baby" Christians all our lives neither can we stay "toddlers" or "preschoolers" or "teens"...no matter how you look at it sooner or later we must become GROWN up adults ready for battle. In the mean time I will stay strong, stay faithful, and continue to walk in the spirit. May God bless you all.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


I had a lot on my mind today. Sometimes in life you know exactly what you want...and yet it seems out of reach. I know I am never supposed to stop hoping or give up HOPE altogether and I do not intend to...still it is not always easy believing for what, in the natural seems all but unattainable. FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) I know by FAITH all things are possible with God. All I have to do is read about Sarah and Abraham to know that nothing is too hard or impossible for God. We are commanded in Gods word to "Walk by FAITH and not by site." 
(2 Corinthians 5:7) Yes I have focused on FAITH and HOPE before but we learn by repetition. FAITH and HOPE go hand in hand. I am definitely still learning...we all are, or should be. The Word says If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given to him. But let him ask in FAITH, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (James 1:5,6) Therefore I will not waver...I will keep having FAITH and HOPE...in Jesus Name...Amen. Stay Blessed!

Friday, September 19, 2014


The Bible says...let the poor confess that they are rich ( Romans 4:17). It also says as a man thinketh so is he! ( Proverbs 23:7 ) I can see I have some RETHINKING to do. Not that I feel poor...I just feel extremely limited and frustrated. The best way to deal with this issue is to confront it head on. I can do all things through...and with Christ...who strengthens me! I have noticed that my journey is not getting any easier, in fact it is getting a bit tougher as I mentioned yesterday. That is why I had to push pause and do some RETHINKING, gather my thoughts and focus on what I know and not what I see, feel, or hear. I also need to return to my sleep pattern of being in bed and asleep by a decent hour. The enemy loves a tired mind. My mother always used to tell me, "Nothing good ever comes easy." I believe that she is right about that one. Do you have some RETHINKING to do? Believe me, there is no time like the present. Stay strong and stay blessed.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I do not feel like I accomplished anything today. More like I am trudging uphill in metal boots. Between DISTRACTIONS and DISRUPTIONS...mostly my laptop, but other things as well. The laptop is still DISTURBING me so I have to keep this short. The 3 D's were a bit much. Tomorrow will be a BETTER day. It will be a BEAUTIFUL day. It will be a BLESSED day! It will be a BOUNTIFUL day! So right now out with the negative and in with the positive! The BEAUTIFUL B's! Stay BLESSED!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Last night after watching several news reports I was having a couple deep thoughts. The first was, "Wow Lord, the world is ENDING right before our eyes!" I said that after watching one disaster after another unfold on news video. I envisioned the creation of the world at the base of a mountain and mankind pushing it up towards the peak bit by bit century after century and now we have finally reached the top and we are free falling down the other side of that mountain into destruction...and we are falling fast. I said Lord, "In the natural I would be afraid, but your word tells us not to fear." I am alive in this time and place because it was ordained by God. That means whatever is happening now or while I am on this earth God has equipped me to handle it and He has equipped all of you who are in Christ as well. Consider how many people buy a book based on reading the back cover, or inside Jacket, or even the last few pages before they hand over their money. Why? Because they want to know what will happen and or how it will end. Well the Bible tells us exactly how all this is going to end! Not only is there going to be a great ENDING but there is a..."to be continued"...for all eternity! With Christ as my Savior I don't have to worry about what I see, or what I hear....I only have to read His word and go by what I know. There is an awesome ENDING. In the words of John..."Even so, come."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Today was an odd sort of day. Things happened that had no explanation so I prayed and everything calmed down. I feel like I am walking on a narrow path with fallen trees and boulders along the way that are supposed to distract me or get me off track. Even though today felt a bit MEDIOCRE I was blessed to receive a Blue Star along with a certificate. I feel a sense of achievement although all the glory goes to God because without Him...none of this would be possible. As for tomorrow...all is well and tomorrow will not be MEDIOCRE...tomorrow will be fantastic!

Monday, September 15, 2014


Wow! I can't believe its mid September already. The days appear to be going by faster and faster. Today I found out the importance of being Christ-like and a living testimony to others. We sometimes do not realize the INFLUENCE we have on other people and how we affect everyone we come in contact with. We can INFLUENCE people in a good way, or God forbid, we can INFLUENCE them in a bad way. Some of my greatest hurts have come from Christians. If I wasn't strong enough in Christ, I would have been crushed. But what of those who are not Christians? How much of a turn off is that? We may not always be aware of it, but we do INFLUENCE people we don't even know or speak to. We are a world of watchers...even without meaning to we notice what those around us are doing and almost immediately we perceive them to be good, bad, smart, or not, friendly or standoffish, student or thug, kind or unkind, gentle or angry, etc. Are we always right? Absolutely not! But what we see and perceive becomes our truth. Only by getting to know people do we come to know the true person they are. What do people see when they notice you from afar? Do you stand out or blend in? The Bible commands that we come out from among them. We should not only look different, talk different, and act differently but we should also think differently...by having a different mindset about everything. I am not perfect, no one is, however everyday we should be striving to be more like Christ and INFLUENCE people so they will wonder what we have and desire to have Christ as the heart and soul of their lives as well. 

May God bless and watch over the readers of this blog. In Jesus Name...Amen.

Sunday, September 14, 2014


It is often the little things that allow us to build our faith. This also helps us become fully aware of God in our everyday lives. There were things God told me to do last night, including to stop fretting about the internet connection and go to bed, not to look at it in the middle of the night and don't check it in the morning. I heard from a pastor this morning to learn to say "ALL IS WELL" no matter what I see going on around me or with me. I don't believe in having a mantra but if I did...that would be it. Not all will be well, or I think or feel all will be well...but I declare that ALL IS WELL in Jesus Name! The Bible tells us that all things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. God only wants the very best for me like any father would, and like any child, if I don't get it...its because I have strayed from what I know to be right because my Father has taught me what is right and what is wrong...and continues to teach me daily. The words that we speak are extremely important. I often find myself reeling my words back in since I began my One Word Journey. I desire that my words always reflect what I know to be true (Gods Word) and not what I perceive to be reality. What I think and what I see and definitely what and how I feel is not always the truth. I know that ALL IS WELL because the Bible tells me that it is. 

God bless you all and thank you for reading my "One Word Journey." Feel free to leave me any comments you may have below.


What an ATTACK today. I pray for my laptop always so I can do what I need to do and now my wifi connection took a hike all day! It was off and on like s blinking light. I pray all will be well tomorrow in Jesus name...Amen.

Friday, September 12, 2014


I was thinking about PERCEPTION today. How much of our lives are based on PERCEPTION...how we perceive things. When I first brought Bailey home he was small and since I did not have the funds yet to purchase a very nice habitat for him. I kept him for a month in a very large storage bin. Because he was small he could not even jump out...or perhaps at that young age he did not realize he had the power to jump out. I am sure that Baileys PERCEPTION of the world was very small. That was home to him...he had his shelter to hid under, his food, water, and blanket. He was happy and so was I because it gave me a chance to save up and buy him a really large habitat that he would be able to grow up in. Then one day he stood up and peeked over the side. He realized that his PERCEPTION of the world was wrong...indeed there was more! After that I had to lay the pet gate over the top and within a few days I laid one of my weights on top to keep him in. His whole PERCEPTION of the world had changed and he wanted to be a part of it. I had always let him out to play in one room which was blocked off with the gate to keep him in. Then one day I let him run around in another room as well and getting him to stay in the first was all but impossible. Bailey is bigger now, he has his super large house which he had to "grow" into and even there he had to learn there was a second floor he could jump up to...once he did that he was even more happy. Now Bailey is a true "House Bunny" and has the run of the front of the house his whole PERCEPTION of his world has changed. As Christians our whole PERCEPTION of things can be or become clouded. Our PERCEPTION of this world should come from the Bible. No matter what we see or what goes on around us...we need to focus on Gods word. Everything we need to know is in there. If we have the PERCEPTION  that our problems can not be solved...the word will tell us otherwise. If our PERCEPTION of our molehills is that they are more like mountains...they will be. What is your PERCEPTION of the things in your life?

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Today is a somber day...I can not believe it has been 13 years and like most people, I remember exactly where I was at that moment. Afterwards because my job literally closed its doors for a few days as the country mourned the loss of so many friends, family, and countrymen, I huddled around the Tv with my friends and family, and on that first day, even strangers. What I remember most in the aftermath is that we were all one. We were all Americans. Not Black Not White Not Latino. or Asian Not friend nor stranger...nor rich nor poor...we were all one country united...like the United States of America was intended to be. How fast we forget that lesson although we still remember and honour that day. The way things are in the world today...tomorrow is not promised. Express love to your family and friends and draw nigh to your Lord and Savior today...because tomorrow is not promised. If you noticed...there is no word today. This is my moment of silence for those who perished on 9.11.2001.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Sometimes you just have to WAIT things out for things to work their way out. God is good! Even my laptop has calmed down today. I am so grateful. We all know that God can say Yes, No, or WAIT. Of all those I believe having to WAIT is the hardest of all. Consulting God on everything is easy however when you have to WAIT for an answer it isn't always so simple. Indeed it takes patience (to WAIT), determination (to WAIT), and knowledge that God has my best interest in mind...so I should WAIT. Today's shift took almost 2 years to the day. I am happy that I stayed in faith and the WAIT was well worth it. Stay in faith and have patience and if you must, then WAIT. Gods timing and His way is always best. Stay blessed!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Today was FUN in spite of my crazy laptop which is not cooperating at all. I got a lot of exercise today and it felt great. I needed some sunshine and fresh air. I would love to have FUN more often but I thinking FUN and money go hand in hand. It costs money just to travel and I was trying not to spend any...sigh. But that did not dampen my FUN. I am getting really good at this FUN thing. I am averaging once or twice a month of outside FUN...smiles. Have a wonderful day tomorrow and have FUN!

Monday, September 8, 2014


I was listening to a talk show today and they showed a blended family with 6 children between them. A set of twins were theirs together and the husband had one with his x and the wife had 3 with her x. The children got along fabulously and their only complaint is that they were not always all together. I found that very sad because it reminded of a niece I have who had a jealous mother and took her away and won't allow her contact with her siblings or her father. I am sure there are many more like her. Not all fathers are negligent deadbeats, in fact my brother is an excellent father. As someone who was ESTRANGED from my father and my siblings, I know that resentment can set in. In my case, because I had Jesus in my life, it did not and I praise God for that. But still there is that sense of sadness and always being on the outside looking in. There are so many children ESTRANGED from their brothers, sisters, fathers, or mothers. I was ESTRANGED from all of them. Satan attacks the family unit. If families were to function as God intended...they would be a powerful weapon. After all where two or three are gathered, there He is in the midst of them. Now way too many families are in total dysfunction and it is very sad indeed. My niece, myself, and others like us can never get those precious moments back again. Good or bad...they are gone. I know however that God had a plan and that although the enemy tried to destroy us...God can...has...and will turn it around for our good, if we let Him. All things work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose. Hug your children, let them know how much you love them and let your siblings know how much you love and cherish them. Amen.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Today's word that I am focused on is PRAYER. PRAYER is so important in our daily lives. Often it seems to take a back seat because we are so busy and if we wait until bedtime we are way too tired. PRAYER is literally talking to God. It doesn't need to be elaborate or fancy. In fact the simpler the better. I don't have a particular time for PRAYER, I talk to God all throughout my day. I always pray for my children. When we pray for others we never know what they are going through. One of my children was protected by what could have been a bad car accident. Recently there was an incident where the police had to be called because of harassment against my child that has since escalated into what is a felony. She did not even want to prosecute but when these individuals committed a felony it was taken out of her hands. Even today these individuals have committed additional crimes. They started out in the wrong and targeted their issues toward her when they were angry with someone else. They have 2 small children so I pray that at least one of their parents will be able to raise them.We need to always lift our loved ones up in PRAYER. You never know when you are in PRAYER what you could be preventing. PRAYER is not about always asking for material things. Today let your PRAYER time be unselfish and pray for others. Don't know what to pray for? Just turn on the news...there is always something worthy of PRAYER. Stay blessed and stay in PRAYER.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Wow! Today was one of those days where you know you must be going in the right direction because there is way too much OPPOSITION. I have been praying over my laptop, which on a good day sounds like a truck that's about to blow an engine, and it is hanging in there. Next thing you know, the OPPOSITION comes along and there goes the internet connection. I thought it was my imagination, but today it was so bad there was no doubt. Then I spent 32 minutes on the phone with an "outsourced" customer service rep...and that's all I am saying...smiles...that's my story and I am stickin' to it! Not one thing he told me to do worked but I did get the point...Location, Location, Location. So I moved the modem everywhere in the house. Only problem is...it is now residing on the bathroom sink. I am not seeing how that is ever going to work.  I do want to stress the fact that it has been in the same location for the past 4 years and working fine beforehand. Personally I am feeling like the OPPOSITION is in the atmosphere. If hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes rock the atmosphere so to speak, God only knows it must upset radio waves and signals and such. The rep did tell me the location of my tower though. However without a compass do I really know what direction is West? No, I don't...but what I really want to know is why are the towers always located beside or close to schools? That was the landmark he gave me, to a school I never heard of, on a street I never heard of. Really would it kill them to be a few more towers? I think not. Everything I went through today, and that was just the tip of the iceberg, taught me that OPPOSITION is a good teacher. After all the Bible says, as iron sharpens iron, one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17) Of course the other person or circumstance is the OPPOSITION. I did get myself together and I prayed my frustrations and everything else. I stood up to the OPPOSITION and of course...then all was well. Let the weak say they are strong! (Joel 3:10 B) God bless you all, and stay strong!

Friday, September 5, 2014


I caught up on some much needed tasks this evening. I don't know why I get my burst of energy at night. Asking God if I can make a certain plan and then WAITING is not easy at all. Most of us make plans and then spend time WAITING to see if God will agree. I am not receiving any type of answer so I just have to keep WAITING. If it comes to pass or at least the process begins, then I know I am finished WAITING...smiles.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Today's word and what I focused on is EMOTIONS. I have to do things whether my EMOTIONS feel like it or not so although it was 10.20 pm I did the dishes I put off doing all day. Procrastination should have been my word. I am great at that sometimes until I jump start myself. I used to be very good at doing them each and every night until I stopped cooking. Then I only did them when I ran out of silverware and that takes a long time. So EMOTIONS or not...we "gotta" do what we "gotta" do. Smiles.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Yesterday or the day before, I learned about WALLS. The problem with WALLS is that when you build them to keep...in my case, certain people out...those same WALLS keep you in. So true! However I do feel those WALLS give me a since of peace and security. I will work on those WALLS though. One "brick" at a time...smiles.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today was one of those days that I found myself struggling through the first half of the day and praising God the second half of the day. Through my own power I can do nothing but with God....With God...all things are POSSIBLE! I even received a word from God through someone He used to encourage me today. That was late in the day after God had already picked me up from the side of the road where I had let myself collapse, just for a moment. I repented immediately even while I was venting (in a kind way) and before I shed tears...no self-pity allowed at this party! God did amazing things today, things that I thought were not POSSIBLE...but God wanted me to know that with Him all things are POSSIBLE and nothing is impossible for Him. To Him even my greatest needs are small. I believe if I had just wallowed in self-pity and did the, "Oh whoa is me" routine that many of us go through, He would have just let me and I would not have strengthened my faith even more than it was before. God knows just how much we can bare and just when we think we can't take another thing...He shows us that it is POSSIBLE! September is starting out to be an adventurous month. I have faith that all will be well in Jesus Name Amen.

Monday, September 1, 2014


It is hard to fathom that it is now SEPTEMBER, the 9th month of the year, and I have completed 244 days of my One Word Journey. This is also the last 3rd of 2014. I have only 121 days remaining. In retrospect it sounds so short. I am not sure how I will feel on that day, but that is the future and this is the here and now. It is the very 1st day of SEPTEMBER 2014. This day will never happen again...so I enjoyed it. I had a "Spa Day!" I didn't have a chance to finish, perhaps I will do a "pedi" tomorrow...smiles. My nails look amazing, my hair feels refreshed, and my face...well I can tell that the moisturizing peel off facial did its job. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Today is also Labor Day and  every year at this time I reflect back and remember all the wonderful Labor Day weekends I spent at the County Fair. I would still be there at this time of night. Again though...this is now and that was then. I don't live with regrets, however there are times that I really wish I had taken the time to enjoy those moments to the fullest. Some things we never get to do again in life, or we enjoy them differently or not at all. Every moment is precious...not to be taken for granted nor wasted. Today I made new memories for SEPTEMBER 1st, this Labor day. I did not accomplish all I wanted to do this weekend but I am happy I was able to stick to relaxing and enjoying today. God bless and keep you all in the palm of His hand...Amen. Welcome to SEPTEMBER!