Thursday, April 17, 2014


Today I was reading about having a case of the "IFs"...what IF this, what IF we had that, IF only...all a case of the IF's. I try my best to always see the glass half full and not half empty. Not always an easy feat but it is something I know is honorable to God. I have met people in life that always wonder IF, and those people love to live with their focus on the negative and not on the positive. This sets us up for defeat. Sure living on $41 a week for food and hearing about those who grumble because the only have $400 a week to spend...could, IF I allowed it, give me a case of what IF? I don't...why? because I know people who don't have food everyday or at the very least eat the same food daily. Oh how blessed I feel! It takes creativity to say the least but thank God I don't focus on the what IF for longer than a moment or two. To live with what IF is to live with regret...I try to focus on the good part of every bad situation...and there is always a good part because God uses every experience to teach us, and to elevate us to new levels! I have decided to focus on...what IF I have faith, what IF I learn all that God is teaching me on my 365 word journey, what IF I retain what I have learned, and what IF I put it all into practice, and what IF it works...and it will!

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