Sunday, April 6, 2014


Yesterdays word...struggle...was definitely an issue that lasted well into the night, but this morning every teaching, every comment, everything I read and everything I listened to (music) was a direct encouragement and yes a scolding from God! I would have to say that in reverse...a scolding and then encouragement. I did learn a lot today. Mainly that I need to set my mind and keep it set (Col. 3:2) and that I need to develop a MINDSET of not only thinking positive and not negative, but that I need to wake up and think and be positive on purpose! I need a MINDSET to do that because if I do not...if I let one small negative thought slip into the open door of my mind...even if its just open a crack...and a passing negative though gets in...I (you) will begin to spiral...and I did. Pastor Joel Osteen told a story of 2 people, one got up and said, "Good Morning Lord!!!" and the other who got up and said, "Good Lord!!! Its Morning!" Obviously we need to have the MINDSET of the first one. Afterall...this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. I was not created to struggle, or to be in a bad (down) mood, or allow circumstances and/or people to change how I feel during the course of my day. That can only happen if I allow it! I was created to be filled with faith! To be victorious! To be filled with joy...unspeakable joy! To be the head and not the tail! To lend and not borrow! To live in abundance and not lack! I do not have to let my mood or emotions blow in the wind like wheat! I can have a MINDSET that I am in control and with Gods help I will be as steadfast as a steel rod! Tomorrow when I wake up...I am expecting great things! I am expecting that I will have Gods favour in my life as well as the lives of my family! I declare that we will be blessed when we go out, and blessed when we come Jesus Name...Amen! Have a blessed new week and remember to have a MINDSET this week to be positive and not negative in all that you say and do...and do it on purpose!

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