Sunday, October 5, 2014


I wish I could say that I thought about my LIFE and figured it all out in a matter of hours but that simply isn't true. Basically I am exactly where I was yesterday in this thought process. Of course me being me...I did what I normally do, I Googled it! Yep I Google everything! The Bible is always my first option however. God knows way more than Google ever will. Genesis 47:9 refers to LIFE as a pilgrimage, in other words...a journey. That means that LIFE can be different things at different times. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 tells us there is a time and a season for everything under the heavens. What I decide about my LIFE today may not be pertinent tomorrow. Even if I come up with what I want out of and for my LIFE, LIFE does not always go according to plan. There are many curves, roadblocks, and forks along the way. Leo Babauta on LifeHacker made a good point...don't focus on the future, focus on the things you (I) can do now like making new friends, learning new skills, go on adventures, etc. Anything that can add to and enhance my future endeavors. In hindsight I almost know exactly what I would have wanted out of LIFE. But as Joyce Meyer always says, we live LIFE forward not backward. Even though I had an idea of what I wanted to do with my LIFE way back then, my dreams never became my goals, and therefor they stayed just that...dreams. I can honestly say it never even occurred to me to work towards those dreams and set goals to get me there. Mainly due to lack of knowledge and mainly fear...more on that another day. Even now when I have a tiny inkling of a dream and take a step or two in the direction of that goal, I drop it and move on to something that doesn't cause me discomfort. Just writing today may not be getting me closer to knowing what I desire for my LIFE but it sure is giving me insight as to why I don't know what I want. 

~A few things I wrote to help myself~
  • Where do I see my self in 5 years?
  • What do I see myself doing in 5 years?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • What would I want to do if money was no object?
  • What do I really enjoy doing?
  • If I wasn't scared what would I be doing?
  • What would my 90 year old self say to me now?
  • Would my 90 year old self have regrets?
  • What would those regrets be?
  • Above all what does God want me to do and not do with my life? (If I knew this I could have skipped the rest)
As I continue my journey of learning what I want in LIFE I pray that if you don't already know, that you will. Just remember LIFE is always evolving and the LIFE you have today, may not be the LIFE you have or want to have tomorrow. Before the end of the year I will give you an update of what it is I want out of LIFE. In the journey word at a time. Stay blessed.

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