Monday, June 9, 2014


Years ago I had a book called "Black Pearls," one of three books that were very important to me that disappeared. I knew where this one met its demise but the other two one day simply vanished. Throughout the years many things have vanished some of which was packed up with children when they moved to places of their own when they became adults. Like my mother did, many things are only revealed once you're grown. "Black Pearls" for whatever reason was very special to me although I had never actually read it like way too many of the new books I now own. I kept having a flashback of my book sitting on my dresser and thinking I had purchased the book again a few short years ago. I dismissed it however since the book was nowhere to be found...until yesterday when it miraculously appeared. When I repurchased the book, I have no clue but there it was in a not so visible place on the bookshelf. I was so overjoyed that I carried the book with me yesterday without even opening it. Then last night I read the introduction and the first page before realizing it said January 1 at the bottom. Yes I knew there were 365 Daily Meditations and Affirmations, I just never considered they might be in chronological order....smiles. January 1 was what I need was about FAITH. I have a lot of FAITH to believe but it seems to waver on the have FAITH enough to keep on believing aspect. I am working on that and plenty of situations lately that require the ultimate test of my FAITH. This is what I read...I can identify with it and so may many of you as well...

I've had so many downs that I knew the law of averages would be in my favor one day.
~Doug Williams

Wow did that hit home for me. That is precisely how I was feeling last night. Hebrews 11:1 says FAITH is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV) Within me are the seeds that God has given of which is FAITH. I will water (study) my seeds of FAITH so they will grow and be hearty in every situation.

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