Saturday, September 27, 2014


My first inclination tonight was to give in to the laptop issues I was encountering and just give up on writing. In my spirit however, I felt to push on. I did and God gave me what I needed. I just watched the Prime Minister of India commit to making sure every citizen of India has a toilet by 2019. Did they just say a toilet? I will admit I was a bit taken aback. I mean I am fully aware of poverty around the world. I just never thought about the lack of something so basic as a toilet. Even where there is no running water available I somehow envisioned bathrooms with toilets...primitive perhaps...but there. Like the Prime Minister said (paraphrased), we sometimes forget how BLESSED we are. I try to focus on what I have and not what I don't have. When we look at life through the eyes of others instead of our own, we will see how BLESSED we truly are. Our children complain about going to school, but many children don't have that privilege. In America, we are BLESSED to at least have 12 years of learning. Looking into the eyes of children, teens, and adults who have no hope is heart wrenching. People with great ideas and knowledge with no way to express it. I know amazing artists that don't have paper or pencils, much less canvas and paint. I know of others who may or may not have one meal each day. I know still others who would have loved to finish school, or even had the chance to attend at all. There are footballers, scholars, teachers, scientists, doctors, pastors, and even prime ministers and presidents behind those empty eyes that lack hope. Indeed we are BLESSED. We are our brothers keeper. No matter how insignificant we may feel handing a dollar to someone who needs it, or partnering with a ministry that gives globally, or giving encouragement to someone who needs it desperately...we can all do something. Stay BLESSED...but...pass it on.

See what we can do together----->

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