Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I must say today was a perfect day! Plenty of sunshine, big fluffy clouds, bright blue skies, and a light breeze. If this is Fall...I am lovin' it! 

Did you ever decide to fall off the HEALTH wagon just for a day...on purpose? That was me today. I think it was not to be however, because everything I wanted was not on the available! How unfair is that? Lol. I said okay Lord, if you don't want me to have it, I won't. Not that God dictates what we eat or don't eat all the time, but if you are like me, it will snowball. I tend to get stuck on certain foods once I eat them once and will continue until I am sick of that food. A slice of cake just might trigger that. God certainly knows me better than I know myself. One area of focus during my 365 Word Journey, besides my spiritual HEALTH, was to pay more attention to my physical HEALTH. I believe that Spiritual, Physical, and Mental HEALTH all work together as one and when they are off kilter we get out of sync, especially spiritually and it begins to affect our total HEALTH and well-being. There was a time, a couple years ago, when I was either missed making appointments or I was canceling them. That is long since a thing of the past. Even my physician noticed last year before she left. Now I am considering making optometrist and dentist appointments. I will also look into finding a better physician since my replacement one doesn't do a thing but fill my prescriptions. That means that particular office only cares about the copay. Take care of your HEALTH, its all we have. I believe God expects us to use self control and make healthy choices. Don't wait until January to do something about your HEALTH start today. May God bless you.

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