Monday, August 25, 2014


So many computer issues today...its limping to the finish line...smiles. God is good...I have faith that one day I will be able to replace it. USPS failure again today...sigh. The nice thing was a beautiful day outside. I can't say that I am a fan of paprika...I think of it as stuffed egg decor...yes I do, but I have made a new discovery...smoked paprika! My new best friend. When you don't have an appetite the only way to go is with some kind of different taste. This worked very very well. When I was at university I did a project on FOOD efficiency, FOOD inefficiencies, FOOD deserts and all that. I learned a lot. Although the government and even local governments try and regulate what people can and can not eat I feel whats's the point when 1/3 the people buy and eat unhealthy FOOD because it is all they can afford, and the other 1/3 buy and eat unhealthy FOOD because they can, and the last 1/3 gets to make a choice either or. I refuse to eat unhealthy FOOD although I feel as if I am almost being forced to do so to survive. Wages and income doesn't go up, but every thing else goes up while at the same time all the packages, even the cans are shrinking and the prices on FOOD is escalating. I have to depend on God, if He feeds the birds and everything else I know that He will feed me. There are times I feel like I will be prepared when there is a FOOD deficit in America and there will be. Just look at the shelves and see that things like lettuce took a hit with the drought in some places and floods in others. I will happily eat manna if it ever came to that...smiles. Spices are great but you can not eat spices alone and they are expensive. Salt is cheap so people use a lot of salt. I don't use it because there is was too much sodium in our FOOD already. By December 31 it will be over one year since I decided to really focus on healthy eating and whoever said its just as easy to buy healthy FOOD as it is to buy unhealthy FOOD...lied...or they were terribly misguided. I am grateful for any FOOD that I have. If you only knew...smiles.  Stay blessed and eat well.

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