Thursday, August 7, 2014


2 Timothy 3:12 warns us that Christians will be PERSECUTED. We will be PERSECUTED because Christ was PERSECUTED and we are His followers. As Christians we are in the world but not of the world. Still it is very sad to hear that more and more Christians are being PERSECUTED for their faith. I have a prayer map I received in 2008 from The Voice of the Martyrs. Their website title, says it all. It was not until I saw this map did I come to realize there were restricted nations where government policies and practices prevent Christians from obtaining Bibles and other materials. In many of these countries Christians are not only treated poorly but often imprisoned or killed. Like those in Iraq on the news today, all of their possessions are confiscated and they have to flee for their lives. In the hostile areas of certain nations, although the government tries to protect the Christians civil liberties, it is all but impossible. I have a friend who had to attend an "Underground" Church and its location had to be moved always. I have another friend who had to read his Bible quietly and secretly and we could not talk freely about God for fear that his neighbors might hear and turn him in. Oh the privileges we have in America that we often take for granted. We do not have to fear being PERSECUTED for our least not yet. Pray for out Christian brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering. Some are being starved out of hiding, some have been kidnapped, beaten, raped, killed and more. We are all one body. The body of Christ. Prayer has the power to change the world. Especially when two or three are gathered together. So let us pray for those who are being PERSECUTED. Don't forget them. One day it could very well happen to us. Stay blessed!

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