Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I was watching the news today and saw a report that someone who is part of the American Humanist Association is protesting a children's football teams practice of PRAYING before every football game. Why does it only take one person to get rid of something good and 10,000 signatures to get rid of something bad? With all the bad things going on in this world...any PRAYING should be a good sign. It gives us hope. In the scares me that there are people on a mission to "try" and eradicate God. In the spiritual...I know time is winding down. There are many people who, unfortunate for them, are the type we have to just dust off our feet and move on to the next person. I am never going to stop PRAYING and it seems everyday I must pray more. I don't want to just watch the Gods grace I am always PRAYING for people and situations I see on those reports. After all...where 2 or 3 are gathered....God is there in the midst of them. Being an atheist is a choice people make. I can tell you, you will never ever get rid of God no matter how hard you try and people are never going to stop PRAYING.  You are beating a dead horse. In the mean time...the Believers will keep PRAYING for those who don't believe. Just remember believing in nothing is still believing in something.

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