Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Listening to the national news today, I heard a very interesting news segment about ANGER. ANGER can indeed cause health problems especially if that ANGER is habitual. Individuals who are full of ANGER on a daily or ongoing basis are five times more likely to have a massive heart attack and two times more likely to have a stroke...or vice versa. The effects of that ANGER can last up to two hours. When parents used to say...be careful you might bust a gasket...turns out...they were serious. I sometimes get filled with ANGER just like anyone else...but I let it be a flash in the pan. I do exactly what is recommended...take a deep breath, and/or walk away. I usually do the later. Count to 10 if that works for you. I have also learned the mute button can be my best friend when someone's ANGER is directed at me when they are really feeling ANGER toward someone else. (This happened over a week ago to me) Rather than get upset...I walked away. Soon afterwards I was right as rain again...but apparently my family member is still fuming. That almost makes me laugh...except its sad that people are filled with ANGER over dumb things. This is why the Bible says we should not let the sun set on our ANGER...it really is not healthy and if you let it...like a bad wound...ANGER will fester and cause other problems. If you feel ANGER towards anyone today...give it up, let it go, and move on, especially if it is in the past...and the past can be two minutes ago! Just believe that the other person have moved on...like me...a few minutes later and is enjoying their life. If you feel you just can not do it...try reading "Do Yourself A Favor And Forgive" by Joyce Meyer. I have not read it...but it comes highly recommended. If you need a reminder...you can always sing..."Let It Go" from "Frozen"....smiles...at least its a reminder.

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