Thursday, May 22, 2014


I was reading a quote I have on my wall today. Sometimes you pass by something so often that you really don't pay it any attention. It says, INDIVIDUALITY...Imagine taking a path that is your own. Life can often be just that when you dare to be different and stand out as express your INDIVIDUALITY. It is not always easy taking the narrow path but the less traveled path leads to blessings. I except my path and stay on it because I know it is God's will for my life. Often when we see others doing things we long to do, we think we would love to have that since of freedom. True freedom comes from discipline, with God's help and guidance, and not taking advantage of His grace and mercy. It is easy to try and see just how much we can get away with and still squeak by and get into Heaven. We have been set apart from the world. Each of us has our own INDIVIDUALITY but we are all part of the body of Christ. Dare to be different and let your light shine! 

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