Thursday, May 29, 2014


Everyday I complete a Daily Challenge on I have only forgotten twice since I started in 2012. I should say that I remembered too late for it to count...smiles. For today's challenge I had to set an alarm so that I will wind down 1 hour before bedtime, and bedtime has to allow me to have 8 hours of sleep according to when I wake up. I consider this to be a significant aspect of my Mind, BODY, and word journey. We are tri-fold beings, and if one part is off kilter, it affects the whole lot. I need my mind (my emotions and thoughts), BODY (my flesh), and my spirit ( where Gods holiness dwells) to all line up. This is not always easy for me...I tend to be led by my mind way more than I care to be but i am learning. We all know not to live in the flesh. I was taught that in church at a young age although the flesh and spirit do occasionally battle as it does in all of us. This was a rather lengthy explanation of why I am writing early today. Often lately I am up late and I still have not typed about my daily journey. From now on I will try and structure my day (24 hrs) from afternoon to afternoon. Definitely better for my well being and for my BODY.

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