Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Did you know that "The Law of Attraction" is real? Although this is a book by Michael J. Losier, the true law of attraction originates in the Bible and how our THOUGHTS should not be allowed to wander freely because there are a man (or woman) thinketh so is he. Whatever you focus on is what becomes major in your life. I am working on not having any negative THOUGHTS. If what I dwell on are the situations I create in my life, then I certainly want to make sure my THOUGHTS are creating something amazing! Joyce Meyer says a statement I love...where the mind goes (our THOUGHTS) the man (or woman) follows. Are you cultivating right THOUGHTS? I challenge you to stop thinking and speaking about what you don't want in your life...lack, bad health, fear...etc....and start lining up your THOUGHTS with God's word...I am strong, healthy, I have more than enough for me so that I am able to share with others....try it! I declare that my THOUGHTS are creating my life!

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